The NRW opposition demands clarification on Hendrik Wüst’s role before the A45 viaduct closure – and implicitly puts an underground committee in the room.

The opposition in the North Rhine-Westphalian state parliament has Pressure on Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst (CDU) further increased and asked for clarification about his role before the closure of the dilapidated A45 Rahmede viaduct. “The opposition’s toolbox is large, and it’s far from being exhausted,” said the chairman of the FDP parliamentary group, Henning Höne, on Wednesday in the state parliament in Düsseldorf – and thus presented one without saying it specifically Committee of Inquiry in the room.

Also read: Bridge disaster on the A45: new allegations against Wüst

“Finally create transparency, otherwise we will do it for you,” Höne continued. Among other things, the opposition is concerned with the question of whether Wüst knew during his term of office (2017 to October 2021) as NRW Minister of Transport that an actually planned new building was pushed back. The bridge had to be closed immediately in December 2021 due to damage – one important traffic artery has since been discontinued, the detour traffic affects an entire region. Wüst had rejected the accusation that he had influenced the decisions. These were met at the technical level.

Rahmede Viaduct: Opposition charge of lack of responsibility

Wust may have one bugs worth millions, maybe billions responsible, said Gordan Dudas (SPD). His parliamentary colleague Alexander Vogt accused Wüst of not taking any responsibility “because at the time when the bridge was closed at the end of 2021 you were in the middle of the election campaign and didn’t want to appear as an incompetent transport minister”.

Also read: A45 disaster: Wüst no longer rules out omissions

Head of State Nathanael Liminski rejected the accusation of lack of transparency. Everything that is relevant to the decision on the matter is in the case file, he said. (dpa)

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