Activists of the “Extinction Rebellion” want to protest for more climate protection with several demonstrations this week. Among other things, a satirical demo is planned this Thursday in Berlin under the heading “Spring Rebellion”, and on Saturday a bicycle parade is to lead from Potsdam to the capital.

The demo on Thursday is intended to be satirical against the existing economic system. The climate activists want to disguise themselves as super rich and dinosaurs, among other things. With their lifestyle and consumer behavior, multi-millionaires and billionaires contribute “disproportionately” to the climate crisis, but hardly contribute to the costs, the statement said. A four meter high pink rocket is supposed to symbolize the – probably impossible – escape to another planet.

The demonstrators want to gather at 12 noon in Invalidenpark, where the Federal Ministries of Economics and Transport are also located, and move from there to Pariser Platz in front of the Brandenburg Gate. Around 200 people are expected.

The bike demo on Saturday should from Potsdam via the Avus Autobahn to Berlin to lead. The journey starts at 9.30 a.m. at the Glienicker Bridge. The destination is the headquarters of Bayer AG on Müllerstrasse in Berlin. A rally on the subject of species extinction is to take place there around 1 p.m. The chemical and pharmaceutical group Bayer AG produces, among other things, pesticides, including the controversial glyphosate.

According to the police, 300 people are expected on the bike parade. Drivers should expect road closures at times, a spokesman said.

The climate activists then want to walk from the Bayer headquarters to the Federal Environment Ministry near Potsdamer Platz. They are calling on the federal government to declare a biodiversity emergency. In the course of this, a “100 percent phase-out of pesticides by 2030” is to take place. “Around one million animal and plant species are threatened with extinction, many of them within the next few decades,” write the activists in their appeal. “Let’s finally raise our voices!” Two more campaigns are registered for Sunday.

The climate protection group “Last Generation” has also announced road blockades and other protest actions in Berlin for the last week of April and into May.

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