Blizzard says it’s working on the long queues for the Diablo 4 beta. Especially on the first weekend of the test phase, the players queued up particularly long. The developer is currently working on this problem.

Nobody imagined the trip to hell to be so diabolical

Players had to wait several hours to finally be able to go to hell – and this time only pre-orders could play in the fourth part of the series. Next weekend, the Diablo 4 beta will officially be open to all players.

Not only long queues, but also crashes and problems connecting with friends spoiled the experience for many players. Blizzard now admits that things are not going well and has thanked the fans for their patience.

On the Blizzard forum wrote Adam Fletcher: “The team is working behind the scenes on some issues that are affecting players and causing them to be disconnected from the servers. Until we fully resolve the disconnect issues we will be counting the number of players experiencing this Enter game, limit for now.” According to Fletcher, this ensures more stability.

More on Diablo 4:

Diablo 4 on Xbox Game Pass? Currently there are “no plans” for it

Diablo 4 Beta: times, preload and content – all important information at a glance

Diablo 4: Blizzard and artist Adam Miller bring demonic art to a real church

“If you are in queue, we ask that you remain in queue to ensure your timer does not reset. We plan to introduce more accurate queue countdowns for next weekend’s Open Beta,” he continues .

“We are actively working on these issues for this weekend. Once these issues are resolved we will be able to increase player flow and significantly reduce queue times.”

Today is the last beta day where only those who pre-ordered can test the infernal game. From March 24th to 26th the beta will be open to anyone who is interested. Hopefully Blizzard will have found a solution to the many problems by then.


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