in this season of springone of the fruits in Mexico that are enjoyed for their rich flavor is the watermelon, but did you know that there are other types of this fruit? In The Truth News We share with you what are the differences between black, green and yellow.

This fruit is rich in B vitamins, it is a source of vitamin B6 and B1, a good source of magnesium and potassium. In Mexico it is common to see the green one, but there are two more that can be obtained, although they have characteristics that differentiate them.

One of the benefits of this fruit for health is water, which helps to hydrate, it also has calcium, beta-carotene, and has a low caloric content, it is a low-fat fruit.

What are the differences of the 3 types of watermelon?

Green watermelon has a crunchy flesh

The green watermelon It is called Crimson Sweet, it can weigh up to 15 kilos, it has light colored striations, it is a sweet fruit and it has a crunchy pulp.

Differences between black, green and yellow watermelon

Black watermelon is one of the sweetest

while the black watermelon or “pearl black”, which is easy to recognize by its black color, is one of the sweetest and crunchy, it is rich in both flavor and nutrition, it has few seeds and there is no problem in eating them.

Differences between black, green and yellow watermelon

Yellow watermelon is made this color by carotenoids.

The yellow watermelon which is usually called melon, melchora or graciosa watermelon, turns yellow due to carotenoids, natural pigments that give the fruit its color.

It may interest you: Discover the trick to buy the best watermelon

What are the benefits of watermelon?

Differences between black, green and yellow watermelon

One of the benefits of this fruit is that it is good for the heart.

Here we share some of the benefits of watermelon for health and they are the following:

  • Improves bone health
  • Improves digestion
  • Helps control anxiety
  • lowers blood pressure
  • This fruit is good for the heart.
  • Raise energy levels
  • It’s good for the eyes
  • It helps you lose weight
  • Improves the condition of the skin

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