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You just want to spread a good mood and then that! Lena Meyer-Landrut sits in the back seat of a car and fools into a cell phone camera. A harmless joke for Instagram IF it wasn’t for this tiny detail… Did you spot it too? Yes, the 31-year-old is NOT BELT ON! And many of her fans don’t like that at all. They give free rein to their opinions in the comments on the video. Lena Meyer-Landrut probably didn’t expect that a harmless video could trigger such a shitstorm. But even if the 31-year-old actually violates the seat belt requirement here, not all fans pull the singer right away. Where and where Lena Meyer-Landrut was going when the video was made is unclear. The singer has not yet commented on the subject.

Source: Instagram@lenameyerlandrut

01/25/2023 – 10:14 am


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