You are currently viewing Hilaria Baldwin: She publishes impressive birth video

Exactly a year ago, the youngest Baldwin offspring was born. Daughter Ilaria Catalina Irena made Hilaria Baldwin a mother of seven and actor Alec Baldwin a father of eight. Now the yoga teacher looks back on the birth and first year of her baby in a video.

On September 22, 2022, Hilaria Baldwin, 39, became a mother for the seventh time. Then she gave birth to her daughter Ilaria Catalina Irena. The wife of Hollywood star Alec Baldwin, 65, has now shared footage of this life-changing event on Instagram on the occasion of her youngest offspring’s first birthday.

Hilaria Baldwin celebrates her daughter’s first birthday with a touching video

Hilaria Baldwin is visibly moved as she holds her daughter, who is just a few seconds old, in her arms shortly after birth. A tear flashes from the outer corner of her right eye, understandably so! A birth is always a moving moment. Then more cute recordings from Ilaria’s first year of life are played in the Instagram video. The proud mother writes: “Happy first birthday, Ilaria Catalina Irena. So much energy, fun and wildness in a tiny body! We love you so much and are happy that your unique soul enriches our lives.”

The Baldwins are an extended family. The actor and the yoga teacher have seven children together: firstborn Carmen, 9, sons Rafael, 8, Leonardo, 6, Romeo, 5, and Eduardo, 2. Baby Lucia, 1, was born via surrogacy. In June 2022, Hilaria announced that she was pregnant with baby number seven. Alec Baldwin’s marriage to actress Kim Basinger, 69, also includes the adult daughter Ireland Baldwin, 26, who has also been the mother of a little girl since May 2023. In doing so, she made her father Alec Baldwin a grandfather for the first time.

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Tarun Kumar

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