Assuming that the difference between income and expenditure increases by 2 percentage points per year, the contribution rates would have to be raised to 4.66 percent in 2030 and to 6.26 percent in 2040. An average earner with a gross income of 3595 euros today, who has previously paid 110 euros, would then have to raise 206 euros in 2030 and 372 euros in 2040 with normal wage increases.

Westig calls for private provision

PKV Association Director Florian Reuther said with a view to the care reform by Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD): “There is simply no money for new promises of benefits. Politicians must not issue any new unsecured checks at the expense of the younger generation. ”The care policy spokeswoman for the FDP parliamentary group, Nicole Westig, demanded: “Those who can afford it must operate private additional care for care.” To the broad mass of the population to achieve this, a company supplementary care provision such as the model of the IG mining chemistry is needed.

The health policy spokeswoman for the SPD parliamentary group Heike Baehrens wants to relieve the nursing care funds with tax money: “Non-insurance services such as pension contributions for caregiving relatives and additional costs caused by the pandemic must be borne by society as a whole and therefore also financed from taxes.”

Lauterbach plans Wednesday in the federal cabinet

On Wednesday, the federal cabinet wants to deal with Lauterbach’s reform plans. It is planned that contributions to long-term care insurance will increase to 3.4 percent of gross income from July (previously 3.05 percent). Childless people then even pay 4 percent (previously 3.4).


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