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10 foods that will help you increase the amount of breast milk

According to data from AEP Committeein Spain, women who breastfeed six months after childbirth represent 46.9% in our country. And it is that, breastfeeding is one of the best ways to transfer to the newborn the beneficial and protective substances for your immunity and health. But breastfeeding requires a greater supply of energy and nutrients to promote milk production and meet the needs both mother and baby, hence a varied and healthy diet is crucial to ensure good health and energy.

Even so, the beginnings of lactation are not always easy and not only because of the appearance of possible cracks, pain or even breast obstructions, but also because of that fear of whether the amount of breast milk will be enough for the little one The reality about this fear, quite common, is that except for specific problems of hypogalactia, rare, all women have enough milk to meet the needs of our baby. But it’s true that certain foods can help breast milk production. Take note.

Why are there foods that help increase breast milk production?

As we have pointed out, there are certain foods capable of increasing breast milk production thanks to its content in certain nutrients and compounds that can have a stimulating effect on lactation. Although the scientific evidence in this regard is limited and results can always vary from one woman to another, there are some possible explanations for this:

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  • Hormone stimulation: Some foods, such as oats, for example, have compounds that can stimulate the release of the hormone prolactin, a hormone related to the production of breast milk.
  • Fluids and hydration: Keeping the skin hydrated is essential for adequate production of breast milk. Hence, drinking water and other healthy fluids can help maintain a good fluid balance in the body and support milk production.
  • Nutritional content: Some nutrient-dense foods can provide the nutrients needed for breast milk production. This is the case with some foods such as legumes, chia seeds, and nuts. Good sources of protein, healthy fats, and essential vitamins and minerals that may support milk production.
  • Phytonutrients and galactagogues: Some herbs and spices, such as fennel, are considered “galactagogues”, this is a class of substances that according to some studies, such as this one published in 30 Cochrane, associate it with the stimulation of breast milk. Furthermore, these plants contain phytonutrient compounds that could have a positive effect on lactation.

10 foods capable of increasing the amount of breast milk

Before highlighting the best foods to help increase breast milk production, it is important to remember that maintaining a balanced and varied diet during lactation, as well as making sure get enough calories and nutrients to meet the needs of both you and your baby is paramount.

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Even so, if you have concerns about your milk supply or your feeding during lactation, it is important that you consult with a specialized health professional so that I can assess your particular case. Here are some of the foods that are associated with increased breast milk production:

  1. Avena: Oats are a source of iron, fiber and B vitamins, which are believed to help stimulate milk production and maintain a good supply.
  2. Chia seeds: They are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and fiber, which can be beneficial for milk production.
  3. Lentils: They are an excellent source of iron, protein, and fiber, and are believed to help increase breast milk production.
  4. Spinach: Rich in iron, calcium, and vitamins A and C, which are important nutrients for milk production and overall health.
  5. Carrots: They contain beta-carotene, which is converted to vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A is important for milk production and for the development of the baby’s immune system.
  6. Fennel: As we have told you before, it is believed that fennel has galactagogue properties and can help stimulate milk production. It can be consumed in the form of seeds, tea or in vegetable form.
  7. almonds: These are a source of healthy fats, protein and calcium, which are also considered to help increase production.
  8. Sesame seeds: They contain calcium, iron and zinc, all essential nutrients to support breast milk and health.
  9. Papaya: Green papaya is believed to help increase milk production due to its enzyme content that stimulates lactation.
  10. Ginger: This has traditionally been used as a galactagogue and is believed to have lactation-stimulating properties. However, caution is advised with excessive use, especially if there are blood clotting problems.

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