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10 most watched movies of the week (04/29/2023)

This week’s list of the 10 most watched films has a lot of news, which proves that the public’s interest changes as releases reach not only digital platforms and streaming services, but also cinemas.

And there are several proofs of this theory. There is everything from the unexpected return of an animation that had been missing for months and a film snubbed at the Oscar 2023 that is now on Globoplay, to the explosion of a horror film from the 1980s that has won yet another sequel now in theaters.

And since we are talking about the Oscars, the title of the most watched film of the week has a new owner: a feature that had been very well quoted for the maximum cinema awards and that marked the turnaround in the career of an actor who suffered for years with depression. It is a masterpiece that deserves to be watched.

Otherwise, we have the usual ups and downs of some well-known films. Want to know exactly what they are? So go the complete list of most watched movies of the week that the Canaltech prepares every Saturday for you in partnership with Justwatch.

10. Tetris

After frequenting the top half of the rankings for two straight weeks, Tetris suffered a blow and is probably saying goodbye to the list now that it appears as the tenth most watched film in recent days.

A great success for Apple TV+, the film tells the curious story behind the creation of one of the most famous games of all time. curious because Tetris it emerged and remained hidden behind the iron curtain of the former Soviet Union, until an American executive found a way to circumvent all the barriers that existed at that time. In other words, it’s a great adventure based on real events well known by those who follow the world of technology.

Tetris is a unique film Apple TV+.

9. Puss in Boots 2: Last Order

After more than a month away from our ranking, Puss in Boots 2: The Last Order returns to the race for no apparent reason. Our main guess is the flood of holidays in April, which has led parents, uncles and relatives to look for a new movie to watch with the kids.

And, incredible as it may seem, this continuation was very well received by the public and critics – unlike the tragedy of the first feature. Here, the animation has much more quality and bets on a very humorous story, which portrays the desperate cat to recover its nine lives now that it only has one left.

Puss in Boots 2: The Last Order is an adventure to watch with the whole family and can be rented at Apple TV, Play Store e Amazonin addition to being in the catalog of Sure TV+.

8. One Breathtaking Night: The Devil’s Death

In a movement similar to what we saw with John Wick a few weeks ago, the premiere of Demon Death: The Ascension in theaters catapulted the original 1981 film onto the week’s most-watched list.

Considered by many to be a masterpiece of low-budget cinema, One Breathtaking Night: The Devil’s Death was director Sam Raimi’s TCC and ended up gaining tremendous importance for the horror genre. The plot tells the story of this group of friends who go to a cabin in the middle of the woods and one of them ends up being possessed by the devil, starting a night of terror.

One Breathtaking Night: The Devil’s Death can be assisted in HBO Max by you Sure TV+as well as being available for rent and purchase at Play Store, Amazon e Apple TV.

7. Everything Everywhere at Once

After months as the most watched film of the week and month, the Best Picture Oscar winner Everything Everywhere at the Same Time is showing signs that it will leave the scene.

Despite losing momentum, it is undeniable that the film starring Michelle Yeoh carries with it the merit of telling a story involving multiple universes in a very entertaining way and with a character that is far from being a superhero. In fact, the plot is all focused on an ordinary woman, without any special power, but who is tasked with saving all the realities that exist.

Everything Everywhere at the Same Time presents a very enjoyable adventure to watch and can be seen on Prime Video e Sure TV+as well as being available for purchase and rent at Play Store e Apple TV.

6. John Wick 3: Parabellum

After surfing the wave of the premiere of Baba Yaga at the movies, John Wick 3: Parabellum is the only remnant of the saga to appear on this week’s most watched list.

Already out of breath from before, having lost four placements, the third film shows that things are really difficult for the mercenary played by Keanu Reeves. Hunted by people all over the world, he has practically nowhere to go, as his head has been put at a price and everyone is looking for him. Without being able to count on former allies or the protection of the Continental Hotel, he will have to fend for himself to save his own skin.

John Wick 3: Parabellum is in the catalog of Telecine it’s yes Sure TV+but can also be found for purchase or rent at Microsoft Store, Apple TV, Play Store e Amazon.

5. The Worst Neighbor in the World

Here’s a pleasant and curious surprise: The Worst Neighbor in the World returned to the ranking last week in a very timid way, but climbed four positions to be the fifth most watched film in the ranking.

Starring Tom Hanks, the film shows the life of Otto, a retired, boring and grumpy man who has a life mission: to watch over the neighborhood he lives in and report everything that his neighbors do wrong. But when a new couple arrives in the neighborhood, they form an unexpected friendship that will change everyone’s lives forever.

The Worst Neighbor in the World is in the catalog of Sure TV+in addition to being able to be purchased or rented at Apple TV, Play Store, Microsoft Store e Amazon.

4. Avatar: The Way of Water

Avatar: The Way of Water continues to arouse the interest of the public looking for an adventure film rich in detail. Proof of this is that the film returned to theaters and remains among the most watched on digital platforms.

And the reason for such popularity is quite simple: director James Cameron’s film is a true visual delight, the likes of which we haven’t seen in the cinema for a long time. In the plot, we meet new blue aliens who live in the seas of Pandora. And it is precisely in the planet’s waters that we learn more about its culture while being surprised by its incredible underwater scenery.

Avatar: The Way of Water can be purchased at Apple TV, Play Store e Microsoft Store.

3. The Demon’s Death

Reinforcing the idea that many people rushed to digital platforms to watch the origins of the saga Evil Dead, The Demon’s Death suddenly appears as the third most viewed feature of the week.

and if in A crazy night director Sam Raimi didn’t have a penny to make the film, in The Demon’s Death things gained more body and a different tone. The feature is a remake of the original and brings a much more disturbing atmosphere, watered with a lot of blood and filled with strong and explicit scenes.

The Demon’s Death is in the catalog of HBO Max e Sure TV+in addition to being rented or purchased at Amazon, Microsoft Store, Apple TV e Play .

2. No! Do not look!

After weeks away from the rankings, No! Do not look! came back with a vengeance as the second most watched movie of the week. And this return is no coincidence, as Jordan Peele’s new masterpiece reached one of the most popular streaming platforms in Brazil.

The film shows very well the director’s ability to reinvent and reuse various elements used in his other productions to deliver a fascinating film that stirs the viewer’s imagination, making him delve into far-fetched theories to explain the outcome of the story. And that’s not all: the development of the title is full of twists and turns that will make your head explode.

No! Do not look! is in the catalog of Globoplay e Sure TV+ and available for rent at Apple TV, Play Store e Amazon.

1. The Whale

One of the most surprising films of 2022 has finally landed on Brazil’s digital platforms. The whale draws attention for countless reasons and it is not by chance that it debuts on our list as the most watched film of the week.

In addition to representing the comeback in the career of actor Brendan Fraser, winner of the Oscar for Best Actor in 2023, the film tells the dramatic story of an obese man who faces serious health problems for weighing more than 200 kilos, as well as personal and family, especially with his teenage daughter who does not accept the fact that he came out as gay.

The whale it’s a strong movie, so it’s good to prepare the tissue before watching it on Sure TV+. The film is also available for rental and sale at Amazon, Apple TV e Play Store.

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