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10 things about the plagiarism of Minister Esquivel’s thesis


The academic Guillermo Sheridan accuses Yasmín Esquivel Mossa, Minister of the Court, of plagiarizing the thesis with which in 1987 she obtained a Law Degree from the Faculty of Higher Studies (FES) Aragón.


The contents of the Minister’s thesis are identical to those registered a year earlier, in 1986, by another UNAM student, Edgar Ulises Báez Gutiérrez, to graduate from the Faculty of Law.


The tutor of both theses is Martha Rodríguez Ortiz, for which the UNAM Law School announces a punishment.

“By unanimous decision, this Collegiate Body agreed to instruct and encourage the Ethics Commission, accompanied by five Technical Advisors, so that the disciplinary procedure regarding the performance as director of theses and synodal from Professor Martha Rodríguez Ortiz”, he pointed out.


In a letter dated December 25, the Minister accuses that her thesis project was shot and that she started it in 1985.

“My thesis ‘Ineffectiveness of the Unions in the Trusted Workers of Article 123 Section A’ is an original and authentic project that I began to write and review since 1985. A year before the ‘similar’ thesis that the student Edgar Ulises would have prepared. Báez Gutiérrez”, he affirms.


On December 30, Esquivel reports that he presented the alleged testimony of Edgar Ulises Báez Gutiérrez at the UNAM, in which he accepts that he plagiarized the thesis work of the now official. Through a statement, the Minister said that the testimony was provided by her thesis advisor, Martha Rodríguez Ortiz.


Edgar Ulises Báez denies having testified before a notary public or any other authority on the origin of the degree thesis that he presented in the 1980s.


After the controversy, the National Autonomous University of Mexico announces that each educational entity will analyze and, where appropriate, reform the regulations for professional exams and qualifications to include the review of the draft of the thesis through software specialized in the detection of plagiarism. .


Within the framework of the vote to elect the president of the Court, the post to which she aspired, Minister Yasmín Esquivel points out that the case of the alleged plagiarism of her degree thesis was a manipulation of factual powers to weaken the Court and intervene in the election of the presidency, which was left in the hands of his colleague Norma Piña.


The Academic and Scientific Integrity Committee of the Faculty of Higher Studies of Aragon determines that the thesis presented by the Minister is a “substantial copy” of the one presented a year earlier.

The foregoing after assessing the elements of construction, development, style, content, temporality, consistency and information management of both theses.


The National Autonomous University of Mexico notifies that it lacks mechanisms to invalidate a title, after confirming plagiarism, so the content of the analysis made by the Committee of the FES Aragón will be sent to the Ministry of Public Education “for the purposes that may ”.

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