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13-year-old stops school bus after driver faints

After a medical emergency involving the bus driver, a 13-year-old student in the USA may have prevented a serious accident with his courageous intervention. Seventh-grader Dillon Reeves pulled a bus with around 60 students in the city of Warren, Michigan, after the driver lost consciousness. After the action was captured on a surveillance camera on the bus, the student is celebrated as a hero.

The dramatic incident had already occurred on Wednesday in Warren, north of Detroit. Surveillance camera footage shows the bus driver becoming visibly uncomfortable and waving her cap for fresh air. The woman can radio that she is dizzy and has to stop the bus. She then loses consciousness while the vehicle continues to move.

Reeves then rushes forward, grabs the steering wheel and brings the bus to a stop. He also shouted at his screaming classmates to dial 911. The news channel CNN, citing the fire department, reported that the 40-year-old bus driver was taken to a hospital in stable condition for examination.

“A quick-thinking seventh-grader saw that the driver was in distress, rushed to the front of the bus and helped stop it without incident,” said school district director Robert Livernois. The teenager’s intervention was crucial. “I couldn’t be prouder of him.”

Councilman Jonathan Lafferty also praised the “hero Dillon Reeves”. The 13-year-old prevented a “possibly very tragic accident”.

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