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$14 for… a skin that removes a character’s helmet

Game news $14 for… a skin that removes a character’s helmet

Arriving on planet Earth in September 2020, Marvel’s Avengers hasn’t always been talked about for good reasons. After a complicated launch and a few years of updates, the title of Crystal Dynamics returns to the front of the stage with a new decision which is causing debate.


  • It’s on the program
  • The Thor kills

It’s on the program

Despite its superhero clique, Marvel’s Avengers hasn’t won over gamers the way Square-Enix, the former publisher of Crystal Dynamics, hoped. The game design leading to overly repetitive situations initially dampened the critics. Then, the follow-up of the game unfortunately failed to revive the interest of the players. While the studio has announced updates spanning three to five years, rumors have it that the end clap will come sometime in 2023. Today under the Embracer umbrella, Crystal Dynamics assures that plans have not changed and that Marvel’s Avengers will continue to receive content to download for many months.

The Thor kills

For the past week, the small community that still follows the news of the game has been on fire like the Human Torch because of a message posted by the official Marvel’s Avengers account on Twitter. On the latter, we can read that a new Thor skin is available in the game store.

Only here, this costume of the man with the hammer is sold at a high price while he is just a helmetless variation of an already available costume of the superhero. Fans have made their annoyance known about having to shell out around $14 for what should be a free present option.

Faced with growing discontent, Crystal Dynamics deleted the article announcing the arrival of this DLC, but the costume is still available for sale.. It is offered for 1,400 credits (around 12 euros) on its own, or at 1,900 credits (around 16 euros) in a pack containing the version with and without headphones.

Read also :

About Marvel’s Avengers

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