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15-year-old girl in Bolivia discovers asteroid and is recognized by NASA

the bolivian Juliana Teran Flores 15-year-old discovered an asteroid: the milestone has already been recognized by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

The US body will determine the orbit of 2022 GX13 for a few years, after which teran You can give it an official name.

His idea is to name it “VIP”, for Villa Imperial Potosí, his city of birth.

Terán is a student at the María Auxiliadora school, and told Innova Press How did you find it?

“I did not expect this award, it was very sudden. I basically participated in a campaign funded by NASA, looking to find some space elements, and one stood out above the rest ”, the young woman expressed.

The step by step for the discovery of asteroid 2022 GX13 by the young Bolivian

Student analyzed some sets of images sent by NASA telescopes from the United States, with the program’s tools for asteroid detection.

“I had to analyze the set delicately,” Terán explained to The Bolivian Voice. “It is a bit complex to search for the bodies because they are small, and in this case it was very small. I had to zoom in to see if the images, the features, the movements matched up.”

After sending the report to the United States, NASA confirmed the discovery, sending a certificate to the young woman.

Teran said: “It would be very nice if the authorities support this type of project, so that students like me can obtain these achievements”.

His mother, Sandra Flores, claimed to be “Surprised and proud of her daughter for this recognition,” according to Innova Press.

The young woman hopes to graduate and start study Physics, to later specialize in Astrophysics. Also, it is an option for her to study Forensic Medicine. P

By 2023, it will also participate in the asteroid observation campaign that begins in February.

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