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16 years after the femicide of Sandra Ayala Gamboa, her mother asks for the house where she was killed

This Wednesday marks the 16th anniversary of the femicide of Sandra Ayala Gamboa the Peruvian girl who arrived in La Plata in 2007 in order to continue her university studies and was murdered in a false work appointment.

Since then, his mother Nelly GamboaShe has not stopped asking for and fighting for justice and exercising her memory so that what happened to her daughter never happens again. That is why this Tuesday night a vigil began that will last until 9 in the morning on Wednesday at the death of the house where the femicide was committed to demand “the real operation of the Sandra Ayala Gamboa House”.

The day Sandra was assassinated, she was summoned to the building under the Ministry of Economy, at Calle 7 and 45, at that time under construction to be put into operation. It was a supposed job interview that ended with rape and murder.

In the communiqué with which the vigil was announced 16 years after that event, it is maintained that since then “the feminist movement of our region and the country advanced in organization and conquest of rights”.

“With the arrival of the Macrista government in the province and the city, the attempt to reopen the place as if nothing had happened there once again put into discussion the redefinition of the spaces, not only in their identification but above all in the conversion of the same to be part of a comprehensive plan that seeks to reverse the chilling situation of counting one femicide per day in Argentina. With a lot of struggle, at that time, and after many actions, we managed to open the ‘Casa Sandra Gamboa Ayala’, with the purpose of of being a space for attention to victims of gender violence, which articulates with the corresponding organizations to monitor the different cases. The Ministry of Women and Diversities did not yet exist, “says the text.

But he adds that currently, almost 6 years after that achievement, “the House not only did not improve its conditions from that beginning, but rather it regressed painfully.” “Instead of having more professionals for care, it has fewer (they are not new workers, but transfers from other plants of different ministries); instead of having more hours, they have fewer; instead of having more tools for promotion, is still waiting for the graphic materials agreed upon several years ago; instead of really integrating into the network of devices, it continues to be on the sidelines; there are no known balances of its management, number of cases received, monitoring methods,” the statement closes. call for the activity that will close with a press conference by Nelly Gamboa.

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