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2 powerful words that you should include in your CV

  • In a study titled “Americans are embracing flexible work” It was documented what motivates employees to look for work.

  • Write a CV requires writing skills that help enhance the scope of this document.

  • The importance of the use of words in a CV It serves as an antidote to the poverty of such a document when presented to a recruiter.

of the powerful words were recommended by a human resources specialist, to be included in the CV and attract the attention of recruiters.

The recommendations made by Amanda Augustinedirective of TopResumeserve to stand out in a labor market, where there are a huge number of professionals who are looking for a new job, as measured by the study “Americans are embracing flexible work”, in which it is noted that a majority of 47 percent said they were looking for better pay for their work; 27 percent were interested in a job with better job opportunities and 6 percent said they were looking for a new job because they hoped to find one where the company matches their values.

Powerful words in a CV

Action verbs like improve o lead were recommended by the board of TopResume, Amanda Augustineso that a CV is of interest to talent recruiters.

Adecco Foundation also recommends other verbs of this type, which indicate actions carried out by the CV holder, such as:

Coordinated is one of several verbs to talk about work experience

Complemented”, to be used in the education section

Augmented” is recommended by the Foundation in the achievements section

Fit” its use is recommended in the “soft skills” section

The expert’s recommendation is extended to words that she qualifies as “fashionable” and that are used with singular abuse, so it is important to question the need to include them in the document: experienced, creative, passionate, motivated, strategic, skilledy skilled, Therefore, it is recommended that instead of abusing these words, what has been achieved when put into practice be supported with results.

The correct use of the words in a CV, as correct action verbs, for each of the sections of the Resume or adjectives, which are supported by the results achieved in their use, are an antidote to the poverty of language with which a document of this type is written.

Writing a good CV is an important part of every professional in search of employment and a guideline to allow important recruitment processes to be consolidated, which help to understand the potential of the labor market, especially when we see that a job interview is the same for come up with recommendations for which words to add and which to subtract from a CV, such as creating an ad campaign, just like you did Heineken.

The campaign recruited various candidates for a marketing opening and the same job interview process was applied to the candidates who applied, who had to react to all kinds of tests such as giving first aid to the interviewing recruiter.

In the final stage of the interview process, who had the best performance in total, from each of the tests evaluated, was qualified to discover that the winner would not only obtain the position, they would go to an important soccer game where they appeared.

The importance of the CV in the labor market accounts for the value of a process such as the job interview and the elements that give value to this labor document.

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