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$20 billion for countries of origin of migrants

López Obrador, the lure of the embargo on Cuba and the migratory wave

MEXICO CITY – The presidents of the United States and Mexico held a telephone conversation on Saturday to discuss migration issues, just when the immigration policy of Joe Biden He is under the spotlight in the middle of an election year and after press reports about a US investigation of alleged drug donations to Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s 2006 campaign outraged the Mexican.

The Mexican president took advantage of the communication to ask Biden for a series of concessions for countries that encourage undocumented immigration and to reiterate the request for funds of 20 billion dollars.

The call, which both governments called productive in separate statements, took place two days after López Obrador asked the United States to apologize for what he called unfounded accusations of an investigation by the closed US anti-drug agency, the DEA. in 2010 and now made known by various media.

The president of Mexico, a country that is also holding presidential elections this year, suggested that bilateral cooperation on key issues could be affected if such apologies did not arrive and that Biden himself should be informed of what happened.

“How are we going to be sitting at the table talking about the fight against drugs, if they, or an institution of theirs, is leaking information and harming not me, but what I represent?” López Obrador said on Thursday. How are we going to talk about migration, how are we going to be talking about the fight against drugs or fentanyl?”

Neither of the two governments mentioned anything related to this issue in their press releases, although Mexico said that “the talk was very beneficial, of mutual interest, inspired by the principle of the policy of good neighborliness, friendship and cooperation.”

In its statement, the White House thanked “Mexico’s operational support and for the adoption of concrete measures to deter irregular migration” and said that the two leaders committed to strengthening “joint efforts to combat transnational criminal organizations involved in trafficking.” illicit drugs, weapons and people” as well as their bilateral cooperation.

The Mexican statement was not so accommodating and recalled that any law that the United States may pass that “ignores the causes of the migratory phenomenon is condemned to become a dead letter.”

Funds for countries with the highest migration

He reiterated that his bet is that $20 billion be allocated to the countries of origin of the migrants and that the United States lift sanctions against Venezuela and Cuba, two countries from which a growing number of asylum seekers leave.

In addition, Mexico requested the regularization of Mexicans “who have been living and working honestly in the United States for more than five years.”

In the United States, now that the 2024 presidential campaign seems to be shaping up to a probable rematch between Biden and former President Donald Trump, Immigration has come to the fore as one of the biggest potential burdens for the head of the White House.

Biden, who is not only under pressure from Republicans but also from Democrats in cities where asylum seekers are arriving in record numbers, is trying to neutralize this burden and that is why he has already accepted a broad bipartisan measure that is still being negotiated in the Senate and that would expand its authority to impose new limitations on border crossings.

Neither walls nor border closures

But the application of any measure requires Mexico’s cooperation. And in Saturday’s statement, the Mexican government recalled that its government’s proposal also includes “not choosing to build walls or close the border, because it does not solve the causes of migration or resolve the problem. “It is pure political-electoral propaganda.”

The two governments plan to hold various high-level meetings to continue discussing the immigration issue.

Source: With information from AP

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