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2023 Spring Festival travel big data: Dongguan loses weight, Chongqing gains weight, Guangdong, Henan, Hunan and Anhui have the most returnees

In the Spring Festival of 2023, with the implementation of the new epidemic prevention policy, the lively scene of “going home for the New Year” continues to heat up. Daily Interactive Big Data and Hangzhou West Lake Data Intelligence Research Institute jointly released the “2023 Spring Festival Transport Report”, which analyzes the first-line, New first-tier cities conduct data insights. The data shows that in 2023, the Spring Festival travel season will warm up strongly, the scene of ticket grabbing for the Spring Festival travel season will gradually return, and the labor exporting provinces will also open their arms and embrace the “wanderers” who are returning one after another.

In the Spring Festival of 2023, Dongguan will “slim down” the fastest, and Chongqing will “gain weight” obviously

Daily interactive big data continues to pay attention to the “slimming” situation of 19 first-tier and new first-tier cities over the years, and releases the “slimming index” ranking. The data shows that the Spring Festival in 2023 will begin to restore the feeling of “familiarity”. With the downgrade of the new coronavirus infection control, more and more people choose to return to their hometown for the New Year.

The data shows that Dongguan, known as the “world’s largest manufacturing base”, ranks first in the weight loss index for the Spring Festival in 2023. The weight loss index is 47.1%, which means that nearly half of the people in Dongguan choose to go back to their hometown for the Spring Festival. Followed by Suzhou, its weight-loss index reached 45.0%, and Shenzhen City’s weight-loss index was 34.9%, ranking third. It is worth mentioning that the weight loss index in Chongqing is -3.3%, and it is beginning to “gain weight”.

In addition, the weight loss index of most first-tier and new first-tier cities has recovered or even exceeded the level of the same period during the Spring Festival in 2020. Among them, Suzhou, Hefei, Dongguan, Foshan, Hangzhou, and Changsha are all cities with high recovery status.

In 2023, the Spring Festival travel will heat up rapidly, and the activity of apps related to the Spring Festival travel will show high growth

In the Spring Festival of 2023, what is the popularity of railways and civil aviation? The daily interactive big data focuses on the activity of train ticketing apps such as 12306, Zhixing Train Tickets, High-speed Rail Steward, and Tieyou Train Tickets, and flight check-in apps such as Hanglv Zongheng, Fei Changzhun, Flight Manager, and Zhixing Tickets. The data shows that the activity of related apps has shown high growth.

Daily interactive big data shows that during the Spring Festival in 2023, the activity of train ticketing apps will continue to rise, reflecting that people’s willingness to buy tickets is also “warming up”. Compared with the data of the same period in previous years, the first day of ticket sales for the 2023 Spring Festival travel season (that is, December 24, 2022), due to the impact of the new situation of the epidemic, people still hold a wait-and-see attitude towards going home for the New Year, so the initial activity of train ticketing apps is low. lowest level in nearly three years. With the gradual recovery of travel and life, people’s “return home plot” has been activated, and the activity of train ticketing apps has begun to grow rapidly, with a maximum increase of more than 70.0% compared with the same period of previous years.

The daily interactive big data further observed the heat value of the main railway stations in the first-tier and new first-tier cities. The value of the heat value greater than 1 means that the heat of the railway station is higher than the level of the same period last year. According to the data on the list, Tianjin, Zhengzhou, Xi’an, Wuhan, Shenzhen, Beijing, Dongguan, Qingdao, Guangzhou, and Chengdu are the top ten cities with the thermal value of railway stations. In addition, from the perspective of overall data, the train stations in 17 of the 19 cities in the Spring Festival in 2023 will become busier than in 2022.

Under the double influence of Spring Festival travel and New Year’s Day holidays, the daily activities of check-in apps for Spring Festival flights in 2023 will also show a continuous upward trend. Compared with the data of the same period of previous years, the average daily activity of flight check-in apps before the Spring Festival in 2023 will increase by 39.7% compared with the same period in 2022, and increase by 62.8% compared with the same period in 2021.

Guangdong, Henan, Hunan, and Anhui become the provinces with the most “homecoming” during the Spring Festival in 2023

As the new situation of the epidemic gradually stabilizes, more and more wanderers will return home during the Spring Festival in 2023. Where have all the returnees gone?

Daily interactive big data observed the distribution of the whereabouts of the first-tier and new first-tier cities in the first week of the Spring Festival travel, and produced a Sankey map of the mainstream whereabouts of the first-tier and new first-tier cities during the Spring Festival in 2023. The data shows that among the 19 first-tier and new first-tier cities, the largest number of people go to Guangdong, Henan, Hunan, and Anhui. Guangdong, Henan, Hunan and Anhui are the provinces with the most “homecoming” during the Spring Festival in 2023. Looking at the distribution of flow directions in the Sankey diagram, except for Beijing, Shanghai, and Ningbo, where the mainstream destinations of the outflow population are more evenly distributed, the outflow population from other cities mainly go to other regions in the same province. It can be seen that affected by the epidemic, more migrant workers have chosen the nearest job opportunities in the province in recent years.

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