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3 apps to see who unfollowed you on Instagram

If you use Instagram as a means to promote your business or even if you are an “influencer” on the social network, it is possible that you are looking for a way to find out who unfollowed you to try to recover the follower. Bearing this in mind, we have listed here apps that have exactly this function, selecting both Android and iOS apps (iPhone operating system).

3 apps to see who unfollowed your Instagram profile

Applications to check who unfollowed your profile on Instagram. Source: Oficina da Net

1 – Analyzer Plus (Android e iOS)

The Analyzer Plus app is present in both the Play Store (Android) and the App Store (iOS) and features tracking people who stopped following your profile 1 week, 1 month or 1 year ago, for example. Plus, the app even tells you which people you’ve followed and aren’t following you back. There is also a function that tries to measure the level of interest of your followers through a bar, where each user’s engagement is “calculated”.

As if that weren’t enough, we also have a function that detects “ghost followers”, those who don’t like or comment on publications, and the “best followers”, who do exactly the opposite of “ghosts”. Another interesting feature is the detection of users who like or comment and then undo the action, that is, “dislike” and delete comments.

2 – Followers & Unfollowers (Android)

The “Followers & Unfollowers” app is available exclusively on the Play Store (Android). It is capable of automating several processes that involve following an Instagram profile, such as unfollowing 50 people who do not follow you back. There is also a feature that shows which people have followers in common.

This app allows you to login to multiple Instagram accounts, making it easy to manage them in one place. According to “One Tap Labs”, the company responsible for developing the app, the main highlights of “Followers & Unfollowers” are:

  • Tracking people who didn’t follow you back
  • Identification of followers in common between your profile
  • Automatically follow back when a profile starts following you
  • List of profiles that unfollowed you
  • Unfollowing multiple people at once

3 – Reports for Followers (iOS)

The Reports for Followers app was developed with the professional use of Instagram in mind and its function is not only to track the activities of followers, but also to analyze the information and generate graphs. Available exclusively on the App Store (iOS), the application is capable of, for example, reminding you which users liked and/or commented on any of your publications. In addition, it even says which were the best posts, based on the engagement of the followers, which is measured by the publication viewing time, number of likes and comments, among other criteria.

It is important to mention that to have all the benefits of “Reports for Followers”, it is necessary to pay for a subscription. Currently, the amounts (in dollars) are as follows:

  • Annual subscription: US$ 23,99
  • Six-month subscription: US$ 17,99
  • Monthly signature: US$ 5,99
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