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3 easy, quick and delicious meatballs to make at low cost with meat, fish and vegetables

3 easy, fast and delicious

These meatballs are incredibly simple to prepare but their flavor will leave guests in awe.

There smart kitchen it’s a concept that fascinates everyone, especially those who love to eat well but never have time to cook.

In fact, much better than turning to pre-cooked or packaged products, it would be advisable to discover new recipes few minutes could give great satisfaction. This is the case, for example, of the recipe for gnocchetti with saffron, to be embellished in a delicious way, or the delicious Venetian cod to be prepared quickly.

However if we are looking for a preparation that brings together in itself taste, practicality and speed of execution nothing beats the meatballs. Small and delicious, in the following article we will see 3 easy, fast and absolutely delicious meatballs for your guests to taste.

It couldn’t be easier

Let’s start with a meatball that is as simple as it is appetizing. These are the meatballs, or balls, of ricotta cheese with pistachio.

What we will have to do is get some cow ricotta good quality we will join the parmesan or pecorino grated. There are no precise quantities but the concept is to create a dough stable enough to keep the shape of a ball. The dough can be flavored with pepper, nutmeg, but also fennel seeds or a simple pinch of salt. Once the balls are ready, let’s roll them in the pistachio grain which will remain attached to the surface providing a beautiful visual impact. We transfer in the fridge for 15 minutes to stabilize the mixture and then serve.

Let’s get some ricotta

3 easy, quick and delicious meatballs to make with just a few euros

We always stay on the simple, indeed very simple, moving on to a food that is always useful in this preparation, potato. This tuber, after being boiled, must be peeled and mashed with a potato masher. At this point we will have obtained a base to be enriched in 1000 different ways.

We can make some meatballs”Cheese and black pepper” by combining the mashed potatoes with pecorino cheese and pepper. Alternatively we can create a dough by combining the potatoes with the vegetables that have remained alone in the fridge. Excellent with aubergines for example, but also with sweeter vegetables such as carrots. Furthermore, always using potatoes we can create shrimp meatballs. Just enter a piece of shrimp inside a part of mashed potato and roll into a ball and then dip in flour, egg, breadcrumbs and fry in oil at 180°.

To prepare the meatballs we can use the

Recovery recipes

Finally if after the preparation of a meat broth we have on the part of the boiled or so-called boiled meat, also from here we can create meatballs. We take out the boiled meat from broth and carefully deprive it of any cartilage or small bones in the case of chicken. We grind everything and then add some parmesan it’s a egg. We knead and form meatballs which we will pass in the flour and then in the egg and finally in the breadcrumbs. We can pass 2 times the meatball in the egg and then in the breadcrumbs to obtain a double breading super crunchy. As before, all that remains is to fry and serve with accompanying sauces.

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