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3 good reasons to use ChatGPT on Bing and how to access it

    • Microsoft has just formalized the integration of ChatGPT on Bing
    • AI is transforming the way we do our research
    • To access this new version, register in the waiting list

The AI ​​race between the tech giants has already started, Microsoft has just presented its integration of OpenAI’s Chatbot ChatGPT to the Bing search engine (while Google will also boost its search engine with another artificial intelligence) . The Redmond firm being a partner of OpenAI for a long time, as well as an investor, this integration was a logical continuation. But concretely, how does ChatGPT improve the search experience on Bing?

Long considered less efficient than Google, Bing now has a chance to stand out. Indeed, artificial intelligence brings concrete changes and a gain in productivity to the user during his research. In this article, we explain all the changes that Microsoft has just made.

1 – Bing offers better results

Without giving details, the firm indicates that Bing’s search results are becoming more relevant. This concerns simple queries such as the score of a match, the weather forecast or stock market shares. If you weren’t satisfied with the search results Microsoft offered, now might be the time to give it a second chance.

2 – ChatGPT-style answers

The interest of ChatGPT is of course the possibility of having real answers to our queries, instead of lists of links or the display of information. And the experience you had on OpenAI’s ChatGPT page is indeed available on the new Bing, but better (since the AI ​​has been improved). The search form has been enlarged, and accepts queries of 1,000 characters. Enough so you can ask real questions in natural language to the search engine, instead of using the old-fashioned keywords.

© Microsoft

After you submit your long query, Bing searches the web and summarizes the results found for you. “For example, you can get step-by-step instructions on how to replace eggs with another ingredient in a cake you’re baking at that exact moment, without scrolling through multiple results”, says Microsoft. The interest is therefore the saving of time (if you trust the answer given by the AI).

3 – A chatbot in Bing

On the OpenAI site, ChatGPT does not only give answers to user instructions. The AI ​​allows you to make a succession of requests, linked to each other. This chatbot experience is available on Microsoft’s new search engine. In an interface similar to that of messaging apps, you can get more precise answers by adding context, after the AI ​​gives you an initial answer.

© Microsoft

This ability to refine results could also help you save time when searching for information. But this chatbot experience doesn’t completely cut you off from the web, because in the end, Bing can give you a link. For example, if you are looking for a product, the search engine may redirect you to a link to buy it.

The new Bing is not just a search engine. He is also an assistant and a source of inspiration. According to Microsoft, you can, for example, ask the AI ​​to compose an email. Or you can ask her to plan your vacation. And in this case, it can return you booking links, in addition to a precise answer.

If you’ve ever had a bit of fun with ChatGPT, you’ll already be familiar with these new features. However, the AI ​​should perform better and feel more natural on Bing. In addition, it is likely that thanks to the search engine, ChatGPT will have more information to exploit, which will enrich the answers.

How do I access the new Bing?

Unfortunately, the new Bing isn’t available to everyone right now. The new Bing is still a preview version with access limited to a limited number of users. However, you can make a limited number of queries on Or you can go to to enter the waiting list. Microsoft even offers ways to speed up the process, like installing the Bing app on your smartphone.

In the meantime, you can also get an idea of ​​the performance of this new search engine thanks to the demonstrations prepared by Microsoft on

Screenshot on Bing. © Microsoft

For example, here’s how Bing responds to the query: “I need to organize a dinner for 6 people who are vegetarians. Can you suggest a 3 course menu with chocolate dessert?”

Screenshot on Bing. © Microsoft

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