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30 minutes of neat but messy gameplay from Skull and Bones

Since Skull and Bones was announced “only” four years after Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, the game piqued the interest of many who enjoyed the latter’s ship battles. Unfortunately, it fell off the radar for several of us when the first gameplay videos indicated a heavy focus on resource gathering and Ubisoft’s traditional checklist philosophy, which is probably one of the reasons why it has now undergone six delays. When the latest one was announced, we were also told that a new gameplay presentation would be shown just before the weekend, and that promise was kept late last night.

In this 30+ minute video, the developers show how much tastier (minus a lot of text and information on the screen that can hopefully be removed) Skull and Bones looks like today, while also telling you more about how the story is served, different things you can do , some of the ways ships can be customized and much more.

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