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30 years MOHI Dornbirn

As a thank-you party for all employees, customers and sponsors, the Dornbirn mobile aid service recently celebrated its 30th anniversary. The focus was on a festive evening with guests of honor and an open day.

In the words of welcome to the festive evening, Social Minister Katharina Wiesflecker and Dornbirn’s Mayor Andrea Kaufmann acknowledged the importance of the mobile aid services in the state and assured further support, in particular further permanent positions for MOHI assistants. In addition to the human component of MOHI support, the chairperson of ARGE Mobile Hilfdienst, Kitty Hertnagel, also referred to the high added value that these services provide in the region.

Chairman Günther Platter was also able to welcome the founding chairman of MOHI Dornbirn, Reinhard Zischg, among the guests. It is not least thanks to his perseverance that initial resistance could be overcome. Today, the need for outpatient care is undisputed. Last year – including personal assistance at the workplace – 150 assistants at MOHI Dornbirn worked more than 75,000 hours for 625 customers.

The Viennese song trio “WienArt” (all from Vorarlberg!) ensured a good atmosphere on the evening of the celebration. The Aqua-Mühle team was responsible for the physical well-being with an excellent buffet. On the following open day with solo entertainer Alwin Hammerer, around 250 passers-by, families and interested parties were invited to talks and a small free snack.

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