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300 shops in the downtown area will be remodeled

Juarez City.- Students and teachers from the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juárez (UACJ) will carry out the designs to remodel the facades of businesses located in the first square of the city, announced this day at a press conference, the coordinator of Municipal Advisors, Daniela González Lara.

He said that in a first stage, in coordination with the businessmen, the facades of the shops located on 16 de Septiembre will be rehabilitated, then on Rafael Velarde street and later on Vicente Guerrero.

The president of the National Chamber of Commerce (Canaco), Rogelio Ramos Guevara, said that it is estimated that there are 300 businesses that will rehabilitate their fronts.

The director of the Institute of Architecture, Design and Art (IADA), Guadalupe Gaytán Aguirre, mentioned that 40 students will participate in these collaboration actions with the Municipality, and a draft proposal will be presented in May.

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