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300 train conductors get new jobs – train conductor Anton: “We have received very little information from MTR during the process”

Rainer Andersson, vice chairman of Seko’s commuter club, shares Anton Pajauji’s criticism that MTR has been bad at providing information.

– The decision to remove the train attendants was made in June 2021. In the summer of 2022, the train attendants had to make requests about which jobs they wanted to be relocated to. Since then, basically nothing has been heard about the new services from MTR’s side.

Worries about the future

Some train attendants have now started new positions and others are taking courses to learn their trades. According to Rainer Andersson, many of those who attend courses still do not know where they will work and what working hours they will have.

– They feel anxiety and doubt. You don’t know if you will be able to work in the profession you have been given, if they can put together the puzzle of life, he says.

Anton Pajaujis started MTR’s train driver training in the fall of 2022, but just over a month ago he dropped out. Due to the price increases, he can no longer afford to study. He is now waiting for word from MTR about what he should do instead.

MTR does not share the union’s image

Niklas Ekström, communications manager at MTR, says that MTR has been careful to communicate the schedule around when the train conductors are to be taken out of service and that they have held a dialogue with each train conductor.

– The union dialogue meant that we could not come out with certain things at once, but it is important to ensure that everything goes right, he says.

Hear Anton Pajaujis tell about what it’s been like to wait for news about his future in the clip above.

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