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36th Dornbirner Sprint Cup on January 22, 2023

36th Dornbirner Sprint Cup on January 22, 2023
©Schwimmclub ValBlu Bludenz

On January 22, 2023, the 36th Dornbirn Sprint Cup took place. More than 300 athletes from Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein and Switzerland took part in this competition.

16 starters from the competition and junior competition group of the SC Val Blu Bludenz were there. The club and our athletes were able to take home medals in gold, silver and bronze, in addition to many new best times. Peter Konzet’s 2nd place and Moritz Messner’s 3rd place in the overall ranking of 3 is particularly pleasing.

Peter Konzet:1 x Gold (50B) and 3 x Silver (50F, 50R and 100L)
Mathias Lish: 2x Bronze (50F and 50R)
Moritz Messner: 1 x silver (50D) and 2 x bronze (50B and 100L)
Hunter Nina: 1x Silver (50B)
Seidel Johanna: 1x Silver (50B)

Tabea Beck, Caspar Bertle, Solea Bereuter, Naomi Cavrk, Marie Leitgeber, Freya O’Connor, Lara Rickenbach, David Salzgeber, Niklas Tschamon and Lorelei Vogt, as well as our trainer Mathias Eder, drive with many new personal best times and some top ten placings in the luggage home.

In the mixed relay 8 x 50m freestyle, SC Val Blu Bludenz was able to win the bronze medal to thunderous applause!

Congratulations to the coaching team and the board on the great achievements!

The list of results can be found on the SC Val Blu Bludenz homepage (

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