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40th Lake Constance Dance Festival 22./23. April 2023

At the 40th Bodenseetanzfest, the TSC bludance Bludenz was represented by two couples. The tournament took place in the Rheinblickhalle in Gaissau.

In the amateur sports class, Inge Stüttler and Dietmar Frainer took second place on Saturday behind Hildegard and Martin Wieland from Swing and Dance Feldkirch.

On Sunday they were able to compete again with the couple from Swing and Dance Feldkirch and this time they won first place for bludance.

The level was high for mass sport and both couples were able to inspire the audience with their skills.

Helga and Otmar Dürr started in SEN III S. After two strenuous elimination rounds, Helga and Otmar just missed out on the final round of the top 6.

In the evaluation they danced the very good 7th place out of 11 couples.

TSC bludance Bludenz congratulates them on these successes

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