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4T official faces accusations of being a food debtor

4T official faces accusations of being a food debtor

MEXICO CITY ( evade the legal implications of this, under the protection of a woman: Governor Lorena Cuéllar.

The case was announced on March 30 in a Proceso report under the signature of the reporter Gabriela Hernández, in which it is reported that Ramírez Hernández was denounced since last February for failing to comply with the alimony of his one-year-old son. and nine months old, who also required medical attention due to a condition.

The official was married to Tania Vianey Rodríguez González, with whom he had the child for whom a court ordered the withholding of 35% of his salary, but which he has been failing to comply with, according to his ex-partner, thanks to his political connections.

Tania Vianey had the support of the National Front of Women against Food Debtors, as well as the collective Sabina Morelos Law, which accused Luis Antonio Ramírez Hernández, Secretary of the Environment of Tlaxcala, of being a food debtor. However, the official assures that he fulfills his responsibilities.

The aforementioned organizations have highlighted that the official’s debt is to the detriment of his one-year-old and nine-month-old son, who also requires medical treatment, in this sense, he is accused of non-compliance and contempt of the judicial system.

Faced with these accusations and despite refusing to provide information to local media, the official said in an interview with a national media outlet that he has fulfilled his obligations as a father and claimed not to be a food debtor, he also stated that he maintains the payment of expense insurance older doctors for his ex-wife and son.

The Tlaxcalan crisis

The prohibition that food debtors, sexual offenders and violators can hold a job, position or commission in the public service, as well as being prevented from running for a popularly elected position is one of the feminist conquests of 2023.

After the Congress of the Union approved the constitutional reform to articles 38 and 102 to implement the so-called “feminist 3 of 3” the support of 17 state congresses was required.

Tlaxcala signed up in May as the eleventh entity to approve the constitutional reform, in the midst of the crisis that the Ramírez Hernández scandal has meant for the Morenista Lorena Cuéllar, who has the majority in the state Congress.

The governor’s purple wash, supported by the Morena-PT-PVEM legislative coalition, made the state one of those that facilitated the advancement of the constitutional reform, in a context of accusations for the protection of Ramírez Hernández that the feminist collectives impute to the governor

Since the case was made public, Tania Rodríguez González, mother of the infant, with the support of the aforementioned organizations, pointed out that the Tlaxcala official simulates the payments of alimony, in addition to the fact that Governor Cuéllar Cisneros would have been accused of cover-up in favor of the defendant.

Ramírez Hernández was also denounced for having entered into two pension agreements, one with Tania and the other with a third person, this during the vacation period last December, so as not to give the pension in accordance with the percentage determined by a judge for the minor.

The infant’s mother has presented the Digital Tax Receipts (CFDI) issued by the Tax Administration Service (SAT), and assures that her ex-partner has resorted to tactics such as reducing her salary and reporting allegedly fictitious withholdings in order to reduce the amount to assign for the support of the minor, with which he affirms that only 7 percent of the 84 thousand 152 pesos that he currently earns is discounted.

The actions described can only be carried out with endorsements at the highest level of the entity.

Luis Antonio and the “Morelos Team”

Luis Antonio Ramírez Hernández is the head of the state’s Environment Secretariat, a position that generally has little public exposure, but which, in his case, has been the subject of constant controversy both due to the pension scandal and accusations. of corruption.

Specifically, on May 16, Luis Eliseo Arteaga Uribe, who until April served as head of Complaints and Complaints at the Tlaxcala Environmental Protection Attorney’s Office (Propaet), accused Ramírez Hernández of having obstructed various complaints and investigation of alleged corruption in the granting of environmental permits and authorizations.

Consequently, Arteaga Uribe said that he had been subjected to workplace harassment and then unjustified dismissal. Until now, the former official’s complaints remained in the air.

Ramírez Hernández is part of the so-called “Team Morelos”, a group of government officials from Tlaxcala who are identified with Rabindranath Salazar Solorio, current official of the Presidency of the Republic, who aspires to the governorship of Morelos, an entity from which several top-level officials in the government of Lorena Cuéllar, who actively participate in building Salazar’s candidacy.

Before occupying the position of Secretary of the Environment, in September 2021, Luis Antonio served as Deputy General Director of Administration at Banco del Bienestar; he was also an adviser in the Senate of the Republic.

According to his patrimonial declaration, he owns a 222 m2 piece of land with a value of 500 thousand pesos, acquired in 2011 through an assignment; a 61 m2 apartment for 1 million 300 thousand pesos bought in cash in 2016 and a house with 436 m2 of land and 217 m2 of construction that he bought in 2020 for more than 3 million pesos, with a loan.

The official usually presents himself as a law graduate from the Autonomous University of the State of Morelos, however, there are no records in the Ministry of Public Education of any certificate issued in his favor by the institution, but rather by the Private University of the State of Morelos.

Regarding the appeal for failing to comply with alimony, the politician explained in an interview that he gives a pension to the daughter he had with a previous marriage and to her mother, so the amount he gives to his son is less than the one indicated by his ex-partner, Rodríguez González.

This case would be one of millions in Mexico, because according to data from the National Institute of Statistics (INEGI), three out of four children of separated parents do not receive alimony and 67.5% of single mothers face evasion of the obligations of their ex-partners. .

Faced with this situation, the National Registry of Alimony Obligations was created, a database that concentrates the information of defaulters and whose consultation will be a requirement to carry out procedures and obtain identity documents, which in addition to their legal nature with respect to private persons, complements the new provisions on the incapacity of a debtor or violator to hold public office.

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