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4W: What was. what will. Best wishes for the Lace Festival

As always, Hal Faber’s newsreel wants to sharpen the eye for the details: Sunday’s newsreel is commentary, outlook and analysis. It is backward and forward at the same time.

*** Well something like that: “The everyday picture of a lifting platform next to the Christmas tree on Pariser Platz developed into a crime. Our emergency services had to decide not to endanger themselves and the suspects by intervening, especially in the vehicle technology .” As far as the police announcement about the action of the climate activists, the Federal Christmas tree to shorten. Instead of 17 meters, it is now 15 meters high and somehow not sharp. Excited contemporaries are fuming at the “desecration” of the tree or even see the contempt for Christian culture. This is strong stuff and reminds of them Denigration of the German spirit by Heinrich Böll with the “Peace, peace babbling Christmas angel. Incidentally, the fact checkers show how newfangled it all is: the Christmas tree came “cross-denominational” during the wars of liberation against Napoleon in German living rooms. Those were difficult times then, just like they are now. The difference, commonly known as progress, is that today artificial intelligence is Christmas write and the texts are just as lame as school essays or Bitkom reports on the subject. Of the Christmas tree is rarely bought online? What is the problem there? In any case, sawing off tips is a more understandable action than handling mashed potatoes and tomato soup. What is sawing off the top of a tree compared to stealing one Copper Spire? And for the Christmas edification of all readers: Until January 5th 6 activists of the group are still in preventive detention in Bavaria, so that the “festival” is not disturbed.

*** We live in interesting times. This is not an ancient Chinese curse, but plain reality. As far as the citation research was able to determine, the formulation comes from a speech by Joseph Chamberlain, which he held in 1898. The phrase was used and embellished by other Chamberlains. Perhaps it goes back to a 1627 Chinese novella written by Feng Menglong about the fate of people in the throes of war, in which it says at the end: “One would rather be a dog in peace than a man in war.” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj reported to the US Congress on site how people are doing during the war. He assured lawmakers that Ukrainians can very well operate and maintain US weapons. “The fight will define what world our children and grandchildren will live in, and then their children and grandchildren.” Out of 213 Republicans, only 86 were in attendance, and some of those preferred to play with their cell phones and ignore Zelenskyi. There were also a lot of hateful tweets from Putin’s Useful Idiots. Several were outraged by the olive green military outfit associated with Winston Churchill’s appearance before the US Congress famous role model had. The no-longer-politics actor Donald Trump Jr. emasculated the Ukrainian and called him an “ungrateful welfare queen” in a tweet. It may be a stupid person who is fooling around like that. But is it better here in this country of ours? The Tagesschau commented on the speech as Selenskyj’s desperate appeal with the errant words “we as viewers from the sidelines”. This can be see differently: “We are not spectators from the sidelines, but the next in line should Putin win.”

*** Christmas is not only the Christmas tree in these interesting times, it is also the festival of gifts and consumption orgies. If you don’t have anything yet, you won’t get up empty-handed. How about a nicely painted USB stick with the Songs by Tom teacherthat this one released for general download on a website before being deleted? Some and many may still remember the Wernher von Braun song popularized by the CCC with the pretty lines, practically seen from the edge of the page in the direction of Ukraine:

“Once the rockets are up,
Who cares where they come down?
That’s not my department,”
Says Wernher von Braun.

*** There is still time for the handicrafts that are so popular at Christmas before you have to visit your relatives. Especially when there is coughing and croaking that the droplets are just flying homemade coronavirus snowflakes a lovely gift idea. To round off a larger gift package or to watch together with a telly or beamer, this great documentary would be great O sister! about the life of women in Ukraine is a suitable gift, not only for TV commentators with a slight tendency towards anti-Americanism.

*** Very close to us, ie towards the other side of the page, there is a strike. In Great Britain Ambulance drivers, postal workers, firefighters and border guards are on strike because wages can no longer offset inflation. Inevitably, Christmas will be a little less beautiful, especially since people were warned not to get senselessly drunk. But is that enough to justify the comments of some journalists who are inciting hatred against the strikers? Who call ambulance drivers “white shitbags” or talk about throwing whatever civilized people flush down the toilet at them. After 12 years of Tory government, something has broken in this country when an otherwise respected presenter demands of Lady Megham Merkle that she must be paraded through the streets naked and pelted with faeces. Of course there is protests against these obscenities. Of course, there is also a debate here about the great good of freedom of expression. And that’s exactly why I would like to remind you of the sentence of a Heise editor who edited by far most of my newsreels year after year for more than 20 years. “Problems with freedom of expression are by no means solved with less freedom of expression. But also not with the compulsion to simply have to accept every opinion.”, Jürgen Kuri once wrote in a comment. Nevertheless, he allowed a lot of what this drawing announces. The last record-breaking forum brawl in this now drowning year is one of them. Fry, you bastards.

What’s next? There is still good news at the end of the year: Germany is in the European Digitization Index four places ahead now in midfield and is therefore better than in the FIFA Men’s World Ranking. Am I comparing apples to oranges? Should I have taken the women with the current second place? Or the degree of digitization of the federal states, where Berlin the digital peak is – despite the cut federal Christmas tree? To explain: The active start-up scene and the many hacker spaces are not enough, a proper strategy is required. Berlin wants to secure the school reports with a blockchain, this noblest of all noble products of the “Crypto Brothers”. If the benefit is not clear, the money is wasted.

Berlin is also the scene of the Hacking in parallel, one of the local hacker conferences that started around the CCC in Berlin between the years, perhaps based on an event that took place in the summer of 1997. The club should be thanked for not ignoring the spread of infection all around and pulling the handbrake early on, despite financial losses. Of course it also rumbles elsewhere, without any firecrackers. And yes, Bill Gates has become a grandfather and is happy.


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