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5.8 magnitude earthquake shakes central Mexico

5.8 magnitude earthquake shakes central Mexico

MEXICO CITY.- This Thursday, a earthquake of preliminary magnitude 5.8 degrees shook several regions of the center of Mexico, including the capital, causing numerous people to take to the streets in search of safety. The National Seismological Service of Mexico reported that the epicenter was located in the community of Chiautla de Tapia, in the state of Puebla.

Despite the intensity of the tremor, no significant damage has been reported in the capital so far, according to statements by the mayor of Mexico City, Martí Batres. President Andrés Manuel López Obrador contacted the Civil Protection authorities to evaluate the situation and coordinate possible response actions.

Mexico, between vulnerability and resilience

Mexico is located in a geodynamic region prone to seismic activity due to its position at the convergence of five tectonic plates. Over the years, the country has experienced several significant earthquakes that have left an indelible mark on its history.

  • September 19, 1985: A devastating earthquake of magnitude 8.1 with its epicenter on the Pacific coast, between the states of Guerrero and Michoacán, severely affected central and southern Mexico. Mexico City was particularly hard hit, suffering significant damage and human loss.

  • September 19, 2017: Another earthquake, this time of magnitude 7.1 and with its epicenter on the borders between the states of Puebla and Morelos, shook the central region of Mexico. Mexico City was again affected, with loss of life and destruction of infrastructure.

  • September 19, 2022: Coinciding with a national civil protection drill, an earthquake of significant magnitude shook the center of the country, reminding Mexico of Mexico’s constant vulnerability to seismic activity.

These events underscore the continued importance of preparedness and resilience to potential natural disasters in Mexico, as well as the need to improve infrastructure to reduce the risks and mitigate the impacts of future seismic events.

Source: With information from AFP

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