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5 natural probiotics that cannot be missing from your diet (and they are in the supermarket)

5 natural probiotics that cannot be missing from your diet (and they are in the supermarket)

Probiotics are, as defined by the World Health Organization, “live microorganisms which, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host“. There are many foods rich in natural probiotics that you probably already consumed without knowing it, such as pickles or yogurt.

There are more and more studies that show that having good intestinal health is synonymous with general well-being and probiotic foods are essential for good intestinal health.

In addition, these foods rich in probiotics are excellent to complement your diet, although if you have any food intolerance we recommend you consult a nutrition professional.

(How does what we eat affect our mental health? The nutrition expert’s keys)


Similar to liquid yogurt, kefir follows a different fermentation process in several parts and contains up to 3 times more microorganisms than standard yogurts, so it can have a greater positive impact on the intestinal microbiota.

Among the species of bacteria that are alive in kefir, stand out Lactococcus lactis, Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus delbrueckii, Lactobacillus helveticus and Lactobacillus caseiamong other.

Its consumption can help improve bone health, help with some digestive problems and protect against infections.


The existence of sauerkraut is already documented in some Roman writings from the 1st century BC. In the modern era, between the 16th and 18th centuries, it began to expand among many cuisines in European countries such as Germany, Austria or Switzerland.

This plant substrate goes through a lactic fermentation process mediated by various bacteria such as Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Lactobacillus plantarum and other species of the genus leuconostoc.

Its preparation is as simple as fermenting a cabbage since this food is the result of lactic fermentation of the leaves of a cabbage or cabbage cut into thin slices.


Like sauerkraut, kimchi is made from lactic fermentation on a vegetable substrate. This food is usually made from Chinese cabbage and it highlights the presence of Companilactobacillus kimchii, a Gram-positive, non-spore-forming and non-motile organism.

A low-calorie food with great culinary potential that, beyond its probiotic capacity, stands out for its content of vitamin C, carotenoids, calcium and other micronutrients.

There are many kimchi recipes, it can be made with fermented fish and gluten or simply with vegetables.


Originally from Indonesia, it is used as a meat substitute due to its high protein content. Tempeh is a product that results from the natural and controlled fermentation of soybeans.

The main agents of substrate fermentation belong to the genus of fungi rhizopususually of the species Rhizopus oligosporus either Rhizopus oryzae.

In addition, during fermentation it also produces some vitamin B12, a nutrient that soybeans do not contain.


Its origin is more than 2000 years ago in China. A beverage made from fermenting sweetened tea with the help of a colony of microorganisms, known as SCOBYs (symbiotic bacteria and yeast).

Natural and with a high content of healthy probiotics and amino acids, it is a drink with a slightly acid flavor made from sweetened tea that ferments by the action of a colony of microorganisms named Medusomyces gisevi.

Primarily, the probiotics found in kombucha are Gluconacetobacter, Acetobacter, Lactobacillus and Zygosaccharomyces.

Do probiotics help you lose weight?

A lot of studies have found a relationship between the presence of good bacteria and having a healthy weight. Some conclusions suggest that probiotic strains of Lactobacillus (which are present in yogurt, sauerkraut or kefir) are related to weight loss.

In fact, of all the probiotic bacteria studied to date, Lactobacillus gasseri shows some of the most promising effects about weight loss. Numerous studies in rodents have found it to have anti-obesity effects.

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