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54% of the world’s renewable water reserves are in the tropics

54% of the world's renewable water reserves are in the tropics

MIAMI.- On June 29, the Day International Tropics. This is the region between the parallels called the Tropic of Cancer in the northern hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn in the southern hemisphere, equidistant from the Equator and located at 23° 27′ north and south latitudes, respectively.

This event aims to raise awareness about the challenges facing tropical areas, the effects of the problems affecting them, and the need to recognize the role of tropical countries in the sustainable development goals.

United Nations records that 95% of the planet’s mangrove surface and 99% of mangrove species are in tropical regions. 54% of the world’s renewable water reserves are located in the tropics. “However, almost half of the population suffers from water scarcity,” says the UN.

An important fact is that, according to the information that is handled, the loss of biodiversity is higher in the tropics than in the rest of the world, the United Nations reports.

Population of the tropics

Likewise, the United Nations points out that calculations indicate that, in 2050, the majority of the planet’s inhabitants will live in the tropics: nearly two-thirds of the population childish.

Consistent with the region’s high levels of poverty, more malnourished people are found in the tropics than in other parts of the world.

The tropics are home to many species and produce essential dietary foods such as bananas, cocoa, coffee, tea, and spices.


Source: United Nations / International Day Portal

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