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54 percent of those vaccinated want further refresher

54 percent of people in Austria vaccinated against Covid-19 will “probably” or “definitely” get a booster in the future. A survey commissioned by the Association of Vaccine Manufacturers (ÖVIH) shows that approval is highest among those who have already been vaccinated four times.

However, 17 percent of those who were vaccinated “under no circumstances” want to be refreshed. ÖVIH President Renee Gallo-Daniel therefore considers “a broad awareness campaign” to be useful before autumn.

Nine percent of the vaccinated Austrians are still undecided whether they want to be vaccinated again. 21 percent “probably don’t” want to be refreshed. Just under a quarter of those who have been vaccinated, but definitely or rather not want to take a booster vaccination, find that it is no longer necessary or refer to side effects and vaccination reactions that are too strong from their point of view. “There has never been such a large vaccination application worldwide as with the Covid vaccines”, which is also “very well documented”, Gallo-Daniel countered.

Two percent of the 1,000 people aged 16 to 75 surveyed by the market research institute Integral stated that they had been vaccinated once, twelve percent twice, 41 percent three times and 29 percent four times. According to the survey, 84 percent in this age group have been vaccinated at least once.

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