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60 years of “Jugend musiziert”: Berlin talents show diversity at the anniversary celebration

For 60 years, young talents have been inspiring audiences with their musical skills at the “Jugend musiziert” competition. Between March 23 and 26, more Berlin musicians than ever before will be performing at the University of the Arts to celebrate the anniversary of the young talent competition. Talents in very different categories are on the stage. The upcoming young musicians are versatile.

381 participants – that exceeds the number of participants before Corona. This is exactly what makes this year’s competition so special, according to Markus Wenz, chairman of the state committee “Jugend musiziert”. “This year is the first competition where we can breathe deeply again.”

After years of restrictions caused by the corona pandemic, “Jugend musiziert” is now taking place again in full for the first time. “The competition had to be canceled in 2020. In 2021 it took place via video,” explains Wenz. Even last year there were still restrictions for spectators. Just in time for the 60th anniversary, the doors of the University of the Arts are open to everyone again.

The most talented participants were able to assert themselves in the regional competitions at the end of February. These are now competing against each other at state level across Berlin and hope to advance to the next round. The winners automatically qualify for the national competition, which is due to take place in Zwickau at the end of May.

Berlin offers a wide variety of music genres

In 1964 the first “Jugend musiziert” competition took place. At that time, the event was launched to attract young people to the orchestra of the federal government. However, the possibility of promoting young talent through the competition was quickly recognized. A lot has happened in the last 60 years, says Wenz: “Meanwhile, there is a great variety of new music categories, especially in Berlin.”

When you think of the term “music competition”, you often only think of classical instruments such as the piano and guitar. However, “Jugend musiziert Berlin” now offers a varied program of categories. With “POP. Bands” or “Drum-Set (Pop)” are also offered in more modern forms of music and expression.

For the first time also for singers and songwriters

The “Singer and Songwriter” category is included for the first time this year. 16 participants compete. In the meantime, more and more styles of music and forms of musical expression are spreading, especially in Berlin. That’s why there are even more categories on the program this year.

One of this year’s singer-songwriters is 22-year-old Hieu Nguyen, who competed in last year’s Beats & Rhymes category. “I took part for fun and wanted to see how it went,” he says. The “Jugend musiziert” jury encouraged him to go on stage again this year to pursue his dream of a professional music career. Since the singer/songwriter category has only existed in Berlin so far, the winners cannot compete in the national competition. For this they should be able to record their own studio.

Colorful mixed chamber music ensemble

Mixed ensembles can also compete for the first time this year. The 20-year-old Finn Busse is the pianist of the eleven-piece chamber music ensemble, which consists of 15 to 20-year-old students. The group came about through the school orchestra and music lessons. “That shows the potential that is in the schools,” says Wenz. By promoting music in the classroom, young up-and-coming musicians can get together.

The participants who receive the most points from the jury at the end of the day are allowed to continue to the national competition, which takes place from May 25th to June 2nd in Zwickau. Nevertheless, each individual talent is rewarded with a certificate. “Jugend musiziert is not an elite individual competition. It’s not like a marathon where you finish first,” emphasizes Wenz. It is primarily about a joint encounter with music. The focus is on the fun and learning factor. That is why everyone receives individual feedback from the jury in order to be able to take as much as possible away from the competition.

By the way, anyone who wants to hear the future of Berlin music play can do so: “It’s a public event, everyone can come,” says Wenz.

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