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64% of sales in the ‘Hot Sale’ are paid in a quota

He 64% of sales carried out so far on the first day of the tenth edition of the Hot Sale was paid in a single installmenteven with the use of a credit card that remains the main means of payment.

This data arises from the operations in one of the platforms that participates in the event organized by the Argentine Chamber of Electronic Commerce (CACE).

The Hot Sale is a promotional action that began at 0 today and ends at 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, in which more than 960 brands offer consumers special prices for your products and services.

At noon, according to the inspection carried out by the CACE, the average discount for all items was 28%with an extreme of 40% on average in the services category and 14% in Travel.

Other items such as supermarkets marked an average discount of 30%, electro and techno 28%, furniture and home 34% and clothing 24%.

Half morning, the official site had 55,000 unique users simultaneously and among the terms most searched for by consumers were slippers, notebooks, washing machines, refrigerators and cell phones.

The Hot Sale will last until Wednesday, May 10 at 11:59 p.m.

Hot Sale: the most important offers

By categories, the most visited are clothing, electro and technofurniture, home and deco, sports and physical activity, health and travel.

Consulted by Télam, the institutional director of CACE, Gustavo Sambucetti, pointed out that in this tenth edition it is confirmed that electronic consumers “make a rational purchase”.

“In general, on the first day of the event, the consumer visits and looks for the products and services related to the aspirational, and before the proposal ends, they buy what they need,” said Sambucetti.

He added that financing is “key” to success in sales during these days of special discounts, and in this sense he highlighted that in the stores of the banks that participate in the Hot Sale there are proposals for up to 18 installments without interest.

There are also proposals for 12 and 6 installments without interest, both in the electro and techno category, as well as in travel and furniture, home and decoration.

From the Vtex platform, they pointed out that in the first hours of the event, there was a decrease in operations financed with 12 installments and an increase in those with 6 installments.

Regarding the financed billing “year after year of 12 installments fell from 29.5% to 18% and those of 6 installments rose from 18.11% in Hot Sale 2022 to 35.3% Hot Sale 2023”.

The Tiendanube platform indicated to Télam that 78% of the operations carried out until 10 o’clock were paid by credit card, which marked an increase of 8% compared to the Hot Sale of last year; 11% with debit card and 7% with money in account.

In this case, 64% of the sales were paid in one installment, 36% in 3 or more installments, and of the total, 13% opted for 3 installments, 12% in 6 installments, 5% in 12 and 6% in more than 12 installments.

At noon, Tiendanube registered a turnover close to one million pesos, with an average ticket of more than $20,000, and the clothing category accounted for 68% of sales.

As for the categories, for Vtex the ones that have registered the most sales so far this day are household appliances, decoration and furniture, clothing and accessories, sports, food, and health and beauty.

The firm Brandlive placed the average ticket so far in the Hot Sale at $17,900, which in its metrics means an increase of 63% compared to last year.

He also indicated that there is an 82.5% increase in the billing of his clients who adhere to the event, with an 11% rise in the number of transactions.

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