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65 years after the Revolution, Cuba and its socialism are a failure

How Cubans survive the economic crisis, accelerated inflation and the continuous devaluation of the peso

MIAMI.- In 65 years of supposed revolution, The Castro regime has not built anything in Cuba, and on the contrary, today Cubans are poorer than everwithout food, electricity, or health, while political leaders in the region continue to sell the myth of the revolution, even when they do not live on the island.

That is the conclusion of Francisco Santos, vice president of Colombia (2002-2010), journalist and columnist, who in his article “Cuba: 65 years of revolution and only poverty”, calls for carrying out a “viral campaign throughout the continent that shows the true current reality of Cubans” to sow in the new generations an antibody that would at least lead them to question that narrative that university professors, who, of course, do not They don’t live there either, they try to impose on their young students throughout the continent.

The columnist affirms that currently “there is a unique opportunity to end the myth of the Cuban Revolution in the region,” because ““Cuba and its socialism are a failure”.

He remembered that In Cuba only the Castros and their relatives, as well as the leaders of the party and the Military Forces live well. And he stressed that it is “very similar to what happens in Venezuela, where the Maduros, Diosdados and Rodríguez and their families live the lives of American billionaires and have bank accounts of world billionaires, something that the Castros and their family also have in Cuba.” .

Santos also recalled that Castro’s Cuba “has always lived off others”. It had financing from the Soviet Union until 1990, but those resources were never used to make a viable economy or a social system that was sustainable. When financing from the defunct Soviet Union ran out, the island’s GDP fell 35% and the so-called “special period” began.

Then, Hugo Chávez came with Venezuela’s oil. The South American country He gave Cuba 15.5 billion dollars from 2000 to 2013However, the regime did not build anything with it either.

Santos asks himself: “How many billions were left in the hands of the nomenclature, that is, the Castros, their friends and their allies?”

And he himself responds: “If we see today’s crisis in which the economy has already fallen 11 percent, it is going to fall more, and with no possibility of recovery, because with those 15 billion they did not build anything, the new special period shows that Cuba only knows how to live off others. Or, as a friend told me, ‘the Cuban Government is the prostitute (prostitute) of the Caribbean. It sells itself to the highest bidder.’ It is already flirting with Guyana to approach and ask, and even in Caricom. “has turned his back on Venezuela in votes to favor Guyana.”

Destroy the leftist narrative

Santos makes a comparison between the special period of the 90s and the period that Cuba is currently experiencing. He recalled that “during the special period, care in hospitals, of course, suffered, but nothing to do with the situation that is being experienced today. The same can be said of education. Cuba came with a robust educational system, with much human capital. That is no longer the case. On the contrary, there has been a massive migration of well-qualified teachers that affects all levels,” said economist Ricardo Torres, researcher at the Center for Latin American and Latino Studies at American University in Washington, D.C.

Santos emphasizes that it is necessary “destroy the narrative of the left and its allies of the São Paulo Forum and the Puebla Groupamong others”, since “Cuba’s failure occurred with sanctions and almost without sanctions (the Helms-Burton Act is from 1996), which shows something we all know: the system is a failure and the embargo is not the cause.

Santos urges that the campaign to dismantle the myth of the Cuban Revolution show videos of Cuban citizens exposing the living conditions they have today.”

“I imagine campaigns in universities in the region and even in the USA – although things are more difficult there, because the woke culture took over and this speech was canceled – showing the reality of the island. Documentaries, viral videos, books, music , a whole campaign to destroy that lying narrative of Cuba and its friends.

“Yes, I dream of that campaign and I call on all the friends of freedom in the region and in the world, especially the Cuban colony of Miami, so that we do not let this moment of great weakness of that murderous dictatorship and mafia that governs the island. By simply showing the reality on social networks and making what happens there visible, this battle begins to be won. Before, it was impossible because they controlled all the information. Today, they can no longer do it in Cuba. , poverty and misery. That should be the title of this campaign. Does anyone join me in this effort?

Source: With information from

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