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7 foods that cannot be missing from the table at the New Year’s Eve dinner

7 foods that cannot be missed on New Year’s

Here are the 7 dishes or foods that cannot traditionally be missing on our tables on New Year’s Eve.

The new Year’s Eve dinner represents a real commitment for the women of the house. Everything has to go smoothly and it’s not always easy to choose the better dishes to bring to table. Therefore, in addition to the time to invest in obtaining the ingredients for cooking, it is also and above all necessary to focus on what to prepare. In this regard, it is good to refer to traditions, making those typical dishes, insurmountable, that no one will be able to challenge us.

So let’s see what to bring to the table at New Year’s Eve dinner, to start the year with the best wishes. Well, in first place, always unsurpassed and inevitable, there must be the classics: cotechino with zampone. The underlying tradition is known: the pig is a symbol of prosperity and satiety and, if accompanied by lentils, it strengthens its propitiatory value.

Cotechino and zampone are the classic foods of New Year’s

Traditional dish to cook for New Year’s Eve dinner

The first dish that must not be missing on New Year’s Eve, therefore, we have remembered and is the cotechino with zampone. Consider that it is considered a typical dish not only in Italy but also in other parts of the world. Indeed, even in Hungary, Cuba, Spain, Austria and Portugal, pork is considered a lucky charm.

The second typical dish is the lentils, which are associated with a large financial income. Therefore, according to popular belief, bringing excellent economic earnings, they cannot be missed at the end of the year dinner.

Inevitable lentils, a symbol of economic

The third food that must be at the table is l‘grapealso a symbol of abundance and, as with lentils, I wish for wealth. Furthermore, among the 7 foods that cannot be missing from the table, we have the pomegranate. Let’s see why. Well, it is a symbol of fecundity and fertility, which are associated with the red seeds it releases when it opens. Fifth unmissable component of the New Year’s Eve dinner are the nuts, also propitiatory of prosperity, strength and protection from ailments and misfortunes.

7 foods that cannot be missed on New Year’s Eve

So, in fifth place we put walnuts, often accompanied by dried figs to enrich the table and give the sense of abundance. Again, we have the Marzipan, made with sweet almond paste, sugar and egg white. The name translated from Arabic means currency, therefore one can imagine the meaning that tradition credits to it. Therefore, it too is a symbol of wealth and economic satisfaction.

Finally, on the table of New Year’s Eve, the chestnutssign of prosperity. In fact, in the past they have always been considered a metaphor for life and the respective tree symbolizes immortality.

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