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7 tips to make your Zoom meetings less awkward

With the rise of telework, videoconferencing has become part of the daily life of many employees. However, they are not always pleasant to follow. Researchers have thus been able to establish that there is a “Zoom fatigue” that generates discomfort and physical and mental health problems. To make these moments more pleasant, here are 7 good tips.

Use gallery mode

On Zoom, you can opt for gallery mode to feel closer to your colleagues. You will then get a view of all the participants in the meeting. What better way to observe their feedback and feel the atmosphere of this moment. We know that non-verbal communication is one of the major challenges of these video sessions and it can sometimes be a source of discomfort or misunderstanding.

Mute own camera

In everyday life, we end up seeing each other very little. Also, a close-up on our face for hours tends to throw us off balance. So do not hesitate to cut your own camera.

Take regular breaks

Staring at a screen for too long strains your eyes. And that goes for Zoom meetings too. So remember to breathe, to stretch (avoid staying too long in the same position). These small gestures greatly reduce stress and fatigue in the longer term.

To go straight to the point

When you start a meeting on Zoom, you may tend to talk about the rain and the good weather, but this is not necessarily a good idea because the video may drag on forever. Of course, you must remain polite and check in on your colleagues, but you must quickly focus on the purpose of the call without lingering on more futile subjects.

Respond to discussion

Discussing in videoconference can generate incomprehension. It is also not uncommon for speeches to overlap because of latency. It is therefore preferable to ask to speak first. You can also react with emojis in the conversation or with non-verbal gestures like a thumbs up.


Distractions are not lacking in telework. In particular, you may be tempted to scroll on your phone or to consult a website. However, this is a bad idea because you may miss important information or miss a question. What extend the videoconference even more or create a moment of floating.

Use a wallpaper

If you don’t want to show the interior of your home or where you are, don’t hesitate to use a virtual wallpaper on Zoom. It can also create fun among your colleagues and relax the atmosphere a little.

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