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90 tons of soybeans that were destined for the town of El Soberbio are seized in Corrientes

Saturday, February 4, 2023 | 1:00 p.m.

Members of the Argentine National Gendarmerie carried out a procedure in the town of Curuzú Cuatiá, province of Corrientes. In the aforementioned place, they managed to seize three soybean transport vehicles, coming from Río Seco, Córdoba, which intended to be transferred to El Soberbio in Misiones.

The operation was carried out yesterday, Friday, on National Route 127 and Provincial Route 77. During the routine control, the uniformed officers managed to verify that the documentation presented by the vehicle driver revealed inconsistencies in the letter of size, according to the consultations previously carried out with the AFIP-DGI (Posadas-Misiones).

In total, each of the trucks transported 30 tons of soybeans in bulk, totaling 90 tons corresponding to an estimated value of $5,400,000.

The Federal Court of Paso de los Libres and the Human Rights Secretariat were intervened, which took cognizance of the details, ordered that rigorous actions be carried out, the kidnapping of the merchandise and vehicle, continuing the drivers subject to the cause.

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