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A 26-year-old man was shot in the chest in an argument: he fights for his life

This Saturday night, around 9:30 p.m. in Abasto, an intense discussion took place that ended with a 26-year-old man shot and fighting for his life. The reasons that led to the fight are unknown.

It happened on Calle 516 bis and 218, in Abasto, when the 26-year-old man and the attacker, known as “Cholo Gurí”, began to argue heatedly when the latter took a firearm out of his clothing and fired the gun. who was later kidnapped. According to police sources, it was the neighbors who assisted the injured man and immediately transferred him to the Alejandro Korn Hospital, in Melchor Romero.

Meanwhile, the 25-year-old man accused of being the attacker escaped on his bicycle. A call to 911 alerted the officers of the 7th Police Station, who approached the scene to verify what had happened.

The troops began the search for Gurí, about whom it was confirmed that since last June there had been several charges for repeated robberies in La Plata. Finally, they found him and he was arrested for “attempted murder” by UFI No. 1.

Meanwhile, the 26-year-old victim had to undergo surgery for a “perforating wound in the left lung and is stable so far.”

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