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A beer a day: how healthy can it be?

This suggests that the silicon contained in beer in particular seems to be involved in the effect. Other factors need further investigation.

classification of the research results

But: With all the possible positive effects of moderate beer consumption, you should not forget the health risks of alcohol. The authors of the various studies also do not recommend starting to drink alcohol. The problem: A threshold above which the harmful effects of alcohol exceed possible positive effects cannot be specified with certainty. Because: Every person is different and therefore individually different risks are to be expected.

The acceptable level of alcohol is currently considered to be 10 grams per day for healthy women and 20 grams per day for healthy men. However, this should not be taken as a recommendation to drink alcohol every day, warns the German Society for Nutrition (DGE). She points to the strong potential for addiction and the increased risk of cancer and liver damage.

In contrast to light beer consumption, heavy consumption of high-proof spirits in particular is associated with an increased risk of cancer. The oral cavity, esophagus, pharynx and larynx are particularly frequently affected. But other organs such as the colon, liver and pancreas can also be affected.

alcohol and cardiovascular disease

The DGE also advises against alcohol consumption with regard to cardiovascular diseases, because the negative effects outweigh the positive ones. In addition, there are other measures to prevent coronary heart disease, she continues. Above all, a healthy diet, plenty of exercise and not smoking.

Extensive consumption of beer, i.e. more than 60 grams of alcohol per day, can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. Because: The hidden calories promote fat deposits around the organs and can lead to general obesity.

It doesn’t have to be the alcohol itself that lowers the risk of dementia. This is also what the authors of the above-mentioned study write. This effect could also coincidentally apply to those who consume alcoholic beverages on a daily basis. For example, people who occasionally drink alcohol are more likely to have an active social life. And social contacts are proven to be important for health. Further studies on the connection between alcohol and dementia must therefore follow.

alcohol and bone density

Alcohol, especially in large amounts, increases calcium excretion through the kidneys and damages the intestines. A diseased intestine can then no longer absorb enough calcium. Alcohol also damages the liver and thus also disrupts the vitamin D metabolism. Both calcium and vitamin D are essential substances for healthy bones. A deficiency has a negative effect on bone health.

Alcohol contains a lot of calories

“Last but not least, the high energy density of alcohol is important from a nutritional point of view,” explains the DGE. With seven kilocalories per gram, the energy content of alcohol is almost as high as that of fat with nine kilocalories per gram. With just a small beer (0.33 liters) you absorb around 140 kilocalories. Alcohol also stimulates the appetite and can also contribute to the development of obesity.

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