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A blockbuster surprises in La Plata: they film a movie in Plaza Moreno

A blockbuster landed in La Plata and surprises the people of La Plata in the center. These days, emblematic places in the City will become film locations for “El llanto”, a Spanish horror film with a French and Argentine co-production that can be seen on Amazon.

This morning, the Plaza Moreno area was revolutionized by the presence of cameras and lights, in the best Hollywood style. It is for this reason that many wondered what was being filmed.

The truth is that the director Pedro Martín Calero chose different places in La Plata to shoot the film. On Monday the first day of recording was carried out in the Paseo del Bosque and the Bioparque, and today the venue is in front of the Municipal Palace, while the third recording will be made in the area of ​​7 and 50.

“El Llanto” tells the story of three women who do not know that they are connected to each other and that they are going to face in time and space an inheritance that transcends them: Andrea discovered that she is adopted and her biological mother has just died, Camila tries to finding her voice as a filmmaker in a masculine world and Marie is always partying to silence the intuition that something insidious walks and breathes with her. The film will feature the leading roles of Ester Expósito, Mathilde Olliver and Malena Villa.

It is worth remembering that the architecture and layout of green spaces as well as the attractive landscapes of our city have turned it into a stage for filming films from around the world on various occasions. One of the most emblematic cases is starring Brad Pitt, who filmed at the local train station when Jean-Jacques Annaud directed “Seven Years in Tibet.” Extras were requested there and many people from La Plata are proud to have appeared, at least for a few seconds, on the screens of cinemas around the world.

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