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A brand of electronic cigarettes must pay a million-dollar fine for encouraging “vaping” among young people

This is Juul, which still has another 9 lawsuits pending for its strategy to attract this type of customer. How much will the compensation be?

By iProfessional

12/04/2023 – 18,20hs

The company Juul, which markets electronic cigarettes worldwide, must pay a million-dollar figure for the commercial strategy it launched to promote vaping among its young customers (many minors).

The popular brand will have to face a fine of 438.5 million dollars, which will be allocated to 33 states of the United States and Puerto Rico. This was confirmed by a judicial agreement released this Tuesday, which was reached with the consent of the company and its complainants.

Juul will pay $400 million to encourage youth vaping

It should be noted that the complaint was headed by representatives from the states of Texas, Oregon and Connecticutwhose attorney general, William Tong, published a blunt statement on Tuesday in which he said: “They relentlessly marketed vaping products to minors, manipulated their chemical composition to make them palatable Despite their inexperience, they used an inadequate age verification process and misled consumers about the nicotine content and addictiveness of their products. With this agreement, we have secured hundreds of millions of dollars to help reduce nicotine use.”

Among the most questioned initiatives of the firm, were listed holding launch parties, handing out gifts and free samples, and using young models on social media to promote merchandise. It should be noted that in the United States, the legal age to purchase these products is 21 years, the same as for tobacco.

Nationally, Juul also has another tough obstacle to selling its products. This is the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) which banned it last June from trading its menthol and Virginia tobacco-flavored devices and capsules (and nicotine loads between 3% and 5%).

Regarding the payment of the more than 400 million dollars, Juul will have between 6 and 10 years to make the payment and not all states will receive the same part of the amount. For example, Connecticut has $16.2 million; and to Texas, 42.8 million. Its attorney general, Tom Paxton, warned that “The agreement also includes strong advertising restrictionssales and distribution”, as well as a reinforcement of the “age verification” protocols of buyers.

The Juul company was heavily criticized for its launch parties and free samples for young people.

Electronic cigarette: Massalin Individuals, against the prohibition

Massalin Particulares expressed surprise at the Argentine government’s ban on selling electronic cigarettes, a measure that “goes against the most essential common sense and the advances of science, approved by global health agencies, isolating Argentina from the advances that already exist in the world today”.

“Heated tobacco products and devices for heating them represent an alternative for the 1,000 million adults who smoke around the world”, remarked the tobacco company.

The company also pointed out that “thanks to investment, innovation and technology development, these devices allow tobacco to be heated instead of burning it and thus eliminate combustion, which is the main problem related to smoking. Throughout and wide of the world, today the alternatives that heat tobacco instead of burning it are a trend and they are regulating accordingly, not thus prohibiting”.

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