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A couple of grandparents live in abandonment; ask for support from Parras authorities

A 23 kilometers from Parras, between the mountains, in the ejido El Capulin, lives a couple of grandparents in full abandonment of the authorities and although they lived calmly, now they can’t even do that…

Mrs Asunción, 69, and her husband, Margarito López, 72, They have lived their entire lives there in that flock, as they call it.

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And well, not even the President stops here, we don’t like to meet him, in times of campaigns he only goes to the other ranches where there are more people.

they live in houses built with palms that they made themselves Beds they are sticks dry Y pole from lettuce and cook with firewood.

Doña Asunción said thate today they are being affected by other peasants and by the rural judge of the municipality, Benjamín Pachicano, Well, they brought machinery to make wells along the way, what top his past.

the couple of grandparents points out that they did it because they supposedly let people pass to hunt deer, in addition to the fact that the “the hitmen visit” Mrs. Asunció saidn: “I don’t know they are hitmen, we don’t mess with anyone, it’s not fair what they do to us”expressed, almost on the verge of tears, the woman.

In additions, they are digging wells to draw the waterwe are drying up our little eye of water that came out of the earth where we give them drink our animals and us.

“We don’t do anything to anyone and look what they do to us, some friends of my children brought us those cells to light us up, because we don’t even have light.”

Now my sons have to bring from vinesbut there are days when they cannot come because of their work, and the road is very ugly for walks.

and well not here not even the President stops, We don’t like to meet him, in times of campaigns he only goes to others ranches where there are more people

They said that they do not move from their lands because that is where they have their “chivitas” and with that “We half support ourselves and the little that comes to us from the old people’s pensions that the federal government gives us,” they pointed.

The family requested the support of the authorities so that they do not continue destroying the road and do not continue drilling.

“We don’t do anything to anyone and look what they do to us, some friends of my children brought us those cells to light us up, because we don’t even have light.”

Now my children have to bring all the way from Parras, but there are days when they cannot come because of their work, and the road is very ugly for walking.

And it is that to get to this place you have to cross the mountains in a truck; it’s been a while two hours, since the road is in bad condition.

In addition, they are digging wells to draw water, our little eye of water that came out of the ground where we and our animals drink is drying up.

The family requested the support of the authorities so that they do not continue destroying the road and do not continue drilling.

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