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A Dragon Ball fan art reveals a unique version of Android 18

In addition to cosplay, fans are also staunch to the work done by drawing artists. fan arts inspired by their favorite franchises, and in this area there are also countless places to draw inspiration from, such as the world of anime and manga, and this has happened with this tremendous fan art of dragonball of the android 18 by the good @elite_nappa.

You would have to be very unfamiliar with Dragon Ball to deny its incredible popularity from its inception to this day. One of the reasons is that Goku’s story has accompanied many of us since our childhood, as we grew up watching his incredible adventures together with his friends, where we have been able to meet a wide variety of characters.

Thanks to the richness of its history and characters, Dragon Ball is often a source of inspiration for all kinds of artists, ranging from cosplay to fan arts, since it has a huge catalog of characters from which to draw inspiration for their tributes, and that happened today in this Android 18 fan art.

Although Dragon Ball is in a hiatus with its anime series after the end of the Tournament of Power, the manga continues its course, and although the story may not enjoy the same fame that it had in the days of Dragon Ball Z, the franchise he still has a large number of loyal fans, and today’s artist is one of them as he has shown in this fan art.

Without a doubt, Dragon Ball fans often find ways to show their affection for this beloved franchise. Whether it be becoming your favorite characters through cosplay, tattoos, songs, game mods, or in the form of fan art like today.

This time, the genius @elite_nappa presented us with a very sensual and never-before-seen version of the beautiful Android 18, Krillin’s wife, where we can actually see her asking Master Roshi’s disciple: “Krillin, where are my clothes?” , so we can only assume that the naughty fronton has been a rascal with his wife, which we are not complaining about.

If you liked this fan art like we did, don’t forget to take a tour of the artist’s social networks, since you can find many other great works that you can take a look at, don’t forget to leave your like, so you show your support .

Do not miss: The beautiful model and talented cosplayer of French / Asian origin, Hanna Bunny, has made us fall in love with her own cosplay interpretation of Merlina Addams, work that takes inspiration from the Netflix hit, Wednesday.

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