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A family needed 152 thousand pesos to not be poor in December

The total basic basket (CBT), which defines the poverty threshold, increased 4.5% in December, so a family of four members (two adults and two minors) she needed $152,515 to not be considered poor in Argentina.

Also read: 2022 closed with inflation of 94.8%, the highest since 1991

Meanwhile, the basic food basket (CBA), which establishes the line of indigence, marked that this household required $67,187 to meet their basic needs to survive.

In all of 2022, the basic basket increased 100.3% while food rose 103.8%.

This was reported on Tuesday by the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INDEC), which indicated that the CBT, which includes food and other basic goods and services such as housing, amounted to $49,358 per month per person in the last month of 2022, while the indigence line -which includes essential food coverage- stood at $21,743.

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