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A family reunion to celebrate Christmas

A family reunion to celebrate Christmas

MIAMI — With flowers and balloons, dozens of families waited anxiously at the exit door of the Miami International Airport to their loved ones who arrived from Cuba. Happiness is twofold; family reunion through humanitarian parole and celebrating Christmas and the New Year together.

Tears, laughter, kisses and emotional hugs were observed in the waiting area of ​​the air terminal for the reunion of dozens of families.

The program allows up to 30,000 people from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela to enter the United States in total each month.

More than 270,000 people of the four nationalities have benefited since the Joe Biden administration program came into effect, in October 2022 for Venezuelans, and in January 2023 for Cubans, Nicaraguans and Haitians.

More than 50,000 Cubans have managed to enter the United States through humanitarian parole and be reunited with their families, at a time when the Havana regime imposes new economic measures that end up suffocating the already deteriorated family economy of Cubans.

The Cubans who have left are lucky, the families on the island are increasingly hit by the crisis, they are preparing to welcome a new dark year, after the great economic package announced this week by the Cuban regimewhich the dictator Miguel Díaz-Canel himself recognizes will “increase” the problems on the island.

Among the economic measures announced, which will have a great impact on the lives of Cubans, are a 25% increase in electricity rates and increases in the prices of liquefied gas and water for unmetered consumers, and the intervention of the informal market of currencies, where the dollar It was trading on Friday at 273 Cuban pesos (CUP)a cost 1,037.50% higher than the official one, which since 2005 has been anchored at 24 CUP.

In addition, the package includes the elimination of fuel subsidies and the food supply card, the freezing of staff and adjustments in the number of public workers, and the extension of tariff exemptions on imports of food and toiletries.

The situation is no different for Nicaraguans and Venezuelans affected by two tyrannies; while Haitians, a country affected by extreme poverty and violence carried out by organized crime, are forced to leave their countries in search of safety and due to the economic crisis.

The humanitarian parole program remains in effect while its legality is debated in the courts. There is a threat that he will be suspended.

Texas and 20 other Republican-leaning states filed a lawsuit against the program, which they accuse of being a “clandestine immigration system” that lets in almost everyone who applies.

Meanwhile, the court case continues, thousands of migrants seek to reach the United States through illegal crossings.


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