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A far-right group will open a 2,700-year-old pool to the public for the first time

An association related to the extreme right in Israel excavations will begin to open the Siloam pool to the public, a construction created between the 8th and 7th centuries BC, in the reign of Hezekiah. Although it was originally used as part of the water supply for the city of Jerusalem, from the 1st century B.C. C. changed its use to become the place where purifying baths were held, which made it a sacred site.

The pools of Siloam are sacred.

The work will begin to be carried out during the next year, but from Israel They do not know when this excavation will be completed, which will supposedly bring back to public view not only the pool, but also the “City of David”, the first Jewish settlement in the region. The group that will carry out this project, which has the same name as the area they are trying to rediscover, is quite controversial because they are known for their ties to the extreme right and for occupying the houses of the area’s residents.

The natural park they want to create is located in the middle of a Palestinian neighborhood known as Silwanfor which they received various criticisms because different political groups denounced that it is a way for nationalists to appropriate part of the territory of Israel, which is inhabited by people of that ethnic group. For their part, the organization indicates that it is “a historical site of national and international importance.”

Netanyahu won the Israeli elections again.

Furthermore, during the last elections in the middle east regionwhere Netanyahu won again, part of the concerns indicated by the opponents is that those who accompanied him in the formula were people with ideas against the LGBTQ community and the conflict against Palestineand have as one of the most important figures an apprentice of a person who created a sect that the United States government defined as a “terrorist group.”


Although this construction is more than 2,500 years old, throughout much of its history, After the Roman and Byzantine occupation, the Siloam pools ended up being lost, although in 2004 this changed.

The discovery was made in a predominantly Palestinian neighborhood.

In the fall of that year, a company digging for sewer laying work came across this building by chance. After several months, it was discovered that it was this sacred place, although a part could not be excavated, since it belonged to a Greek Orthodox church and was occupied by a sector called “The King’s Garden”.

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