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A few euros are enough to eat a tasty polenta pizza. 250 calories and a traditional dish

A few euros are enough to eat a tasty pizza –

It is not necessary to spend a lot of money to taste dishes of the Italian culinary tradition. Some even save us money and are included in our diet plan. Here’s an outstanding one.

It’s a dish that once could be eaten often, absurdly forgotten, it’s cheap to make and it’s also dietary. Of course, we can prepare many variations and increase the number of calories. It is our choice, but the basic preparation is light and nutritious.

There polenta pizza prepares with 300 grams of ricotta cheese, 300 grams of polenta flour, 150 grams of sugar, 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon, a handful of pine nuts and a handful of sultanas. The preparation is simple, it will save us time without difficulty. Melt the ricotta in a bowl and add the sugar. Gradually add the polenta flour and correct with warm water when the mixture hardens. The mixture should not be creamy or thick. We use a little cinnamon and sultanas then put the mixture in a pan that we can moisten with oil or butter. We also add the pine nuts. Cooking a 180 degrees for 45 minutes is a basic indication, the right cooking will produce a golden crust.

Slowly add the polenta flour –

Burn quickly but without sacrificing taste

Few quality ingredients for a basic preparation. A few euros are enough to eat a tasty pizza with few calories. One slice of this pizza would hold 250 calorieswith 44 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of fat and 4 grams of protein. It is really useful for our diet, easy to prepare and the ingredients are cheap. We could spend €1.60 for ricotta, €4 for polenta flour, €2 for a bag of pine nuts. 1 kilogram of sultanas costs €4, so a bag is very cheap.

We remind those who love calorie calculations and sports that 250 calories can be burned quickly with one 38-minute bike ride, 25-minute light jog or 1.5 hours of house cleaning. Let’s start from the kitchen by tidying up and washing dishes and pans and we’ll already be at a good point.

A few euros are enough to eat a tasty pizza, even with variations

The 250 calories concern the basic preparation, but being a traditional dish there is no shortage of variations. The calorie intake goes up, not everyone has the same needs and you can choose. There vegetable polenta pizza, for example, is a versatile and complete single dish. We can use pumpkin, button mushrooms, Brussels sprouts and shallots to decorate the pizza before putting it in the oven. We could prepare one black cabbage cream and dried tomatoes in oil to enrich the taste. 2 ingredients and a mixer will allow us to obtain a delicious cream to which we could add the chilli pepper.

If we like the taste of pizza alla boscaiola we could think of a mushroom-based sauce

If we like the taste of pizza alla boscaiola we could think of a sauce based on mushrooms and pancetta or bacon or fresh sausage. In this case we avoid using the ricotta for the dough. We proceed only with the polenta flour and add fontina or mozzarella in the seasoning. The Italian tradition never ceases to amaze.

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