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A footballer is murdered during a match

TLALMANALCO, EDOMEX.- The body of a soccer player was left lying on a sports field in San Rafael Tlalmanalco, after receiving several gunshot wounds.

The victim was identified by her daughter, who reported that her mother Araceli Vega, 47 years old, He played soccer in the fields of Niño Perdido street and Acatitla corner in the San Rafael delegation, in this municipality, the area of ​​the Popocatépetl and Iztaccíhuatl volcanoes.

Witnesses indicated that Araceli was on the bench, waiting to be able to play soccer, when two men on a white motorcycle approached and fired at her from outside the field.

The woman died on the soccer field after receiving at least two impacts, Municipal police officers located two 9-millimeter casings at a distance of approximately three meters from the victim.

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