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a forceful promise against the extreme left

a forceful promise against the extreme left

OXON HILL, MarylandJavier Mileythe president of Argentina, gave Saturday to Donald Trump an effusive hug one day after meeting with officials from Joe Biden’s government in Buenos Aires.

Trump and Milei were the main speakers to close the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) outside Washington.

In their backstage greeting, captured on video posted by a member of Trump’s campaign team, Milei yelled “President!” and pulled Trump into a hug before being photographed together.

Milei took office in December after launching a campaign inspired by Trump, complete with caps reading “Make Argentina Great Again,” in a nod to the former president’s “Make America Great Again” movement. great to the United States again). He was the latest of several foreign politicians at CPAC to embrace Trump’s popular themes on issues such as immigration and the threat of socialism.

In the video, Trump tells Milei, “Let’s make Argentina great again,” and Milei then shouted his famous phrase, “Long live freedom, damn it!”

Milei intervened shortly after Trump, with whom she spoke backstage.

“He has achieved a lot, he is a great gentleman, he is MAGA”Trump said of him at the beginning of his speech. And he joked that Argentina is one of the few that can literally embrace the slogan in English (Make Argentina Great Again).

The Argentine president’s presentation at CPAC occurred a day after meeting with Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

“Do not let socialism advance”

Milei urged CPAC attendees to stop socialism and not support further regulation of the economy. She also called abortion access “a killer agenda” to reduce population size.

“Don’t be carried away by the siren song of social justice,” he said in Spanish. “Do not give up your freedom. Fight for your freedom. “If they don’t fight for freedom, they will be driven to misery.”

“Do not let socialism advance,” cried President Javier Milei, and deepened an idea advanced in Davos: the world “is in danger” due to socialism. The president broke down his ideology to reach a conclusion: “Socialists ruin our lives.”

“I come from a country that bought all those stupid ideas” and from being one “of the richest in the world, it is in 140th place,” he stated to an audience that interrupted him several times shouting “Pibe, pibe, kid!”.

Milei came to power with a reformist desire. He issued a megadecree that modifies hundreds of laws to reverse a crisis that keeps more than 50% of the population in poverty, with annual inflation of 211% in 2023. He also devalued the peso by 50%, liberalized prices and refloated a credit program of 44 billion dollars with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

“We have so far discovered 380,000 regulations that hinder the functioning of the economic system,” he told the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).

“corrupted caste”

He claimed to have encountered “great resistance” against the Emergency Need Decree and the omnibus law “on the part of the beneficiaries” of the system, that is, “the corrupt caste.”

It is made up, according to him, of “robber politicians”, “prebendary businessmen”, “corrupt media”, “unionists who go about their business against the people” and “professionals” who “make a living defending these corrupt “.

Milei defended capitalism to the hilt. It is accused of being “a hyper-individualistic system” in the face of “socialist altruism with other people’s money,” he said, putting emphasis on the word other people.

“Aberration is carried out in the name of social justice”he protested.

“As the great Jesús Huerta de Soto says, social justice is violent and unjust, that is, it is neither fair nor social, nor anything, it is an aberration,” he stressed, quoting a Spanish economist.

“Unlimited democracy”

“This is aggravated – in his opinion – by the idea of ​​​​unlimited democracy.”

“Democracy was originally designed to respect the right of the smallest of minorities, the individual, but when socialist ideas enter” and that of unlimited democracy “populism appears,” he stated.

The latter says that “you have to take from the rich to give to the poor,” as happens in Venezuela and other Latin American countries, he insisted.

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Source: With information from AFP / AP

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